日本Sanplatec官网 日本三博特Sanplatec中国代理商


化工容器-日本SANPLATEC实验器具 中国代理商

日本Sanplatec官网 日本三博特Sanplatec中国代理商

日本SANPLATEC三博特 iPS细胞运输用培养瓶 中国代理商


日本SANPLATEC官网 日本三博特中国代理商


为开拓世界市场,1980年三博特(Sanplatec)开设了国际部,现三博特(Sanplatec)已在全球30个国家里拥有代理商。    2009年,日本Sanplatec确认了中文名字“三博特”,上海金畔生物科技有限公司是一家销售日本Sanplatec全线产品的中国总代理公司。

日本SANPLATEC实验器具官方代理 上海金畔生物科技有限公司

iP-TEC iPS细胞运输系列













iP-TEC(R) Flask-25(活细胞运输用)

iP-TEC Flask-25培养瓶 (P-25)30ml

2514800644051688.jpg   iPS细胞培养后,在活体状态下进行运输时,一旦培养瓶内培养液涌动,就会有细胞剥落的危险。为了避免培养液涌动,需把培养瓶灌满培养液,才能放心运输。这样的话,成本就会增加。

iP-TEC® Flask的特殊形状,可在不改变培养面积的前提下,实现培养液的满液量减半。


iP-TEC(R) Mini scraper 150-13

iP-TEC iPS细胞迷你刮刀

5.png6.png   手柄设计持拿方便,可实现更细微的移动。刮刀顶端可以更灵活地到达容器内的每一个角落。





2514800654098555.png iP-TEC Flask专用,运输用中间密闭容器(可高压灭菌)。外观整洁,有2个托盘。

① 该运输盒最多可收纳6个Flask



② 稳固iP-TEC Flask的专用托盘


③ 防震性与吸液性兼备的吸液片





9.jpg   突出的温度维持力,可将温度长时间维持在36℃左右,可反复使用。托盘型的容器形状,不仅适用于定温运输,还可作为保温托盘用于实验室中。





2514800664421318.png ▶iP-TEC® PREMIUM BOX-V8.5

iP-TEC® 精装版保温运输箱 V8.5


Sanplatec 根据客人需求,将具有压倒性保温性能的iP-TEC®PREMIUM BOX改造成可方便搬运型的轻巧简洁型iP-TEC®PREMIUM BOX-V8.5。通过特殊的R卷曲技术,使本体和箱盖的真空隔热材料实现无缝紧密连接,再注入聚氨酯泡沫塑料使隔热效果达到最大。除了近距离运输外,更是远距离和寒冷地区运输的最佳选择。

2514800666059134.jpg ▶iP-TEC® PREMIUM BOX-V19

iP-TEC® 精装版保温运输箱 V19



2514800667121040.jpg ▶iP-TEC® Standard BOX-X13





iP-TEC® LIGHT BOX-S6.6(短距离、短时间)

2514800673381067.jpg   保温BOX和蓄热板的组合,可短时间保持温度在33℃~36℃,适用于设施内的短距离运输。






SIBATA/日本柴田科学官方代理 上海金畔生物科技有限公司

日本SIBATA柴田科学官网 日本柴田中国总代理

柴田科学株式会社 – 環境測定機器・科学機器の製造販売

SIBATA/日本柴田科学生产・销售环境测量设备、通用科学设备、理化玻璃器具、化学设备装置、环境试验装置、动物实验装置(涉及商品数量8,000品种,70% 自行生产、30% 商品销售)

日本柴田环境检测仪器 实验室分析仪器    日本恒温槽_科学恒温槽

SIBATA/日本柴田科学官网  中国总代理


SIBATA/日本柴田科学 中国总代理

SIBATA/日本柴田科学官方代理 上海金畔生物科技有限公司

日本柴田SIBATA官网   日本柴田SIBATA中国代理



qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com
  • 采样泵(5 to 40 L/min.) 用基准流量计 “FC-L1”采样泵(5 to 40 L/min.) 用基准流量计 “FC-L1”
  • 采样泵(0.05 to 5 L/min.) 用基准流量计 “FC-M1”采样泵(0.05 to 5 L/min.) 用基准流量计 “FC-M1”
  • 微型泵 “MP-W5P型”微型泵 “MP-W5P型”
  • 低流量泵 “LV-40BW型”低流量泵 “LV-40BW型”
  • 便携式高流量空气采样仪 “HV-500R 系列”便携式高流量空气采样仪 “HV-500R 系列”
  • 高流量空气采样仪 “HV-RW型”高流量空气采样仪 “HV-RW型”
  • 数码孔板流量仪 “OFD-1型”数码孔板流量仪 “OFD-1型”
  • 数字粉尘仪 “LD-5R”/ PM2.5 数字粉尘仪 “LD-5R”数字粉尘仪 “LD-5R”/ PM2.5 数字粉尘仪 “LD-5R”
  • 户外用粉尘监视器 “FLD-1型”户外用粉尘监视器 “FLD-1型”
  • 劳研式口罩密合度测试仪 “MT-05型”劳研式口罩密合度测试仪 “MT-05型”
  • “DPD法” 余氯测定仪“DPD法” 余氯测定仪

日本关东化学官网 日本KANTO化学中国代理



关东化学株式会社是日本著名的综合试剂厂家(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 它的高质量产品(http://www.chemdrug.com/invest/)在国际上享有极高的声誉。不仅在中国国内 多年来在日本国内、亚洲地区、美国、欧洲等地都深受厚爱。为了保证所有试剂产品的质量 关东化学株式会社的全工厂都取得了ISO 9001和ISO/IEC 17025质量管理体系认证 建立了严格的品质管理体系。1998年 全工厂又在日本试剂行业中率先取得了ISO 14001环境管理体系认证。关东化学株式会社不仅是一家拥有先端技术的生产企业(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 也是一家重视环境安全以及人类社会健康(http://www.chemdrug.com/article/7/)和谐的可信赖企业。

无论是一般试剂还是特殊试剂、从零售到大量批发 我公司都会竭尽全力地为您提供优质服务、满足您的需求。

日本关东试剂 日本关东化学 日本关东化学株式 关东化学 关东化学株式会社 化学试剂

qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com
Email:sales@jinpanbio.comwww.boykyo.com   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管官网 www.boykyo.com.cn    卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管中文网站 www.boykoy.cn   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管博客 上海金畔同时代理日本日水培养基系列 在生命科学领域,康宁为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药(http://www.chemdrug.com/)生产研发的产品。庆祝上海金畔生物正式成为Nissui(日水)培养基的签约代理商,在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对上海金畔生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Nissui(日水)培养基高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询(http://www.chemdrug.com/)。 Nissui日水代理,Nissui日水上海代理,Nissui日水北京代理,Nissui日水广州代理,Nissui日水总代理,Nissui日水一级代理,Nissui日水特约代理,Nissui日水上海金畔生物科技有限公司Nissui日水专业代理。


产品名称 产品货号 规格 品牌商标 货号
Eagle’s MEM ① 680 500g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)680
EEM肉汤EEM Broth 5002 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5002
亚硒酸盐肉汤亮绿琼脂基础培养基SBG Broth base 5006 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5006
亚硒酸盐胱氨酸基础培养基Selenite Cystine Broth base 5009 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5009
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5020 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5020
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5021 4L(240g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5021
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5024 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5024
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5025 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5025
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5032 280g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5032
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5033 20L(70g×20) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5033
麦康凯琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Agar 5036 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5036
胆硫乳琼脂(DHL琼脂)(颗粒)DHL Agar 5040 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5040
甘露醇赖氨酸结晶紫煌绿(MLCB)琼脂培养基MLCB Agar 5041 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5041
溴百里酚蓝乳糖琼脂BTB Lactose Agar 5042 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5042
三糖铁琼脂(TSI)(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)TSI Agar 5103 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5103
LIM培养基(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)LIM Medium 5104 60g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5104
SIM培养基SIM Medium 5106 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5106
葡萄糖磷酸盐胨水(VP-MR培养基)VP-MR Medium 5107 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5107
西蒙氏枸橼酸盐琼脂(SC培养基)Simmons Citrate Agar 5111 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5111
MSRV培养基Rappaport-Vassiliadis Broth(RV) 5130 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5130
缓冲蛋白胨水Buffered Peptone Water(BPW) 5131 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5131
四硫磺酸盐煌绿增菌液基础培养基(TT)Tetrathionate Broth(TT) 5132 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5132
X-SAL琼脂培养基X-SAL Agar 5133 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5133
X-VP琼脂培养基X-VP Agar 5135 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5135
DNA琼脂培养基DNA Agar 5148 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5148
BC试验(http://www.chemdrug.com/sell/24/)VP培养基BC Test VP Medium 5154 50条 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5154
细胞色素氧化酶试验用滤纸Cytochrome Oxidase Test Strip 5180 15枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5180
ONPG平板ONPG Disk 5182 50枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5182
弧菌琼脂培养基Vibrio Agar 5201 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5201
硫代硫酸盐柠檬酸胆眼蔗糖(TCBS)琼脂培养基Thiosulfate citrate bile Saccharose Agar 5204 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5204
碱性蛋白胨水Alkaline Peptone Water 5206 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5206
多粘菌素甘露糖亚硒酸盐(PMT)琼脂基础培养基PMT Agar base 5208 240g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5208
氯化钠多粘菌素肉汤培养基Salt Polymyxin Broth 5215 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5215
NAC琼脂培养基NAC Agar 5220 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5220
十六烷基三甲基溴化铵琼脂培养基Cetrimide Agar 5221 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5221
葡萄球菌培养基No.110(颗粒)Staphylococcus Medium No.110 5234 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5234
甘露醇氯化钠培养基Mannitol Salt Agar 5236 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5236
氯化钠卵黄琼脂基础培养基Salt Egg Yolk Agar base 5238 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5238
苯乙醇琼脂培养基PEA Agar 5246 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5246
NGKG琼脂基础培养基(颗粒)NGKG Agar base 5282 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5282
CW琼脂基础培养基(不含卡那霉素)CW Agar base without KM 5401 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5401
CW琼脂基础培养基(含有卡那霉素)CW Agar base with KM 5403 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5403
干燥产气荚膜梭菌A型抗毒素滤纸C.perfringens Differentiation Strip 5406 15张 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5406
梭菌计数琼脂培养基Clostridia Count Agar 5409 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5409
GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar 5420 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5420
GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth 5422 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5422
GAM半流动顶层培养基GAM Semisolid 5424 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5424
改良GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar, Modified 5426 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5426
BL琼脂培养基BL Agar 5430 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5430
改良GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth, Modified 5433 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5433
类杆菌(拟杆菌)培养基Bacteroides Agar 5440 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5440
改良FM琼脂培养基FM Agar, Modified 5441 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5441
GAM琼脂培养基(含庆大霉素)GAM Agar with GM 5450 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5450
GAM半流动培养基(不含葡萄糖)GAM Semisolid without Dextrose 5460 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5460
心脏浸液琼脂培养基(颗粒)Heart Infusion Agar 5503 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5503
心脏浸液肉汤培养基Heart Infusion Broth 5505 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5505
脑心浸萃琼脂培养基Brain Heart Infusion Agar 5506 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5506
脑心浸萃肉汤培养基Brain Heart Infusion Broth 5508 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5508
营养肉汤培养基Nutrient Broth 5511 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5511
营养琼脂培养基Nutrient Agar 5514 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5514
胰蛋白胨大豆琼脂培养基Trypto-Soya Agar (SCD Agar) 5516 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5516
胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤培养基Trypto-Soya Broth (SCD Broth) 5517 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5517
改良TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator, Fluid 5520 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5520
多尔塞特卵培养基Dorset Egg Medium 5522 100支 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5522
CLED琼脂培养基CLED Agar 5527 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5527
缓冲氯化钠蛋白胨溶液(PH7.0)Buffered Sodium Chloride Peptone Solution (PH7.0) 5528 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5528
药敏平板琼脂-NSensitivity Disk Agar-N 5530 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5530
MH琼脂培养基-NMueller-Hinton Agar-N 5533 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5533
药敏测定肉汤Sensitivity Test Broth 5534 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5534
TGC培养基,液体(颗粒)TGC Medium, Fluid 5601 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5601
葡萄糖蛋白胨肉汤培养基Dextrose Peptone Broth 5602 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5602
BLB培养基(颗粒)Blue Light Broth 5607 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5607
TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator,Liquid 5610 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5610
标准方法琼脂培养基(颗粒)Standard Method Agar(SPC: Standard Plate Count) 5618 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5618
平板计数琼脂含BCPPlate Count Agar with BCP 5622 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5622
CVT琼脂培养基CVT Agar 5625 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5625
改良TGC培养基TGC Medium 5629 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5629
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5632 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5632
乳糖肉汤培养基(颗粒)Lactose Broth 5634 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5634
脱氧胆酸盐琼脂培养基(颗粒)Desoxycholate Agar 5636 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5636
煌绿乳糖胆盐肉汤(颗粒)BGLB Broth 5638 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5638
月桂基硫酸盐MUG肉汤培养基Lauryl Sulfate MUG Broth 5639 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5639
X-GAL琼脂培养基X-GAL Agar 5642 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5642
麦康凯山梨糖醇琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Sorbitol Agar 5643 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5643
伊红美蓝琼脂(EMB琼脂)EMB Agar 5644 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5644
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5647 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5647
EC肉汤培养基EC Broth 5648 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5648
5649 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5649
EF琼脂基础培养基EF Agar base 5679 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5679
AC肉汤基础培养基AC Broth base 5680 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5680
沙氏琼脂培养基(颗粒)Sabouraud Agar 5701 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5701
玉米粉琼脂培养基Corn Meal Agar 5702 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5702
念珠菌属GE琼脂培养基Candida GE Agar 5703 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5703
察氏培养基Czapek Dox Agar 5705 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5705
麦芽汁琼脂培养基Malt Agar 5706 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5706
马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(颗粒)Potato Dextrose Agar 5709 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5709
乳酸菌琼脂培养基培养Lactobacilli Culture Agar 5800 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5800
乳酸菌接种肉汤Lactobacilli Inoculum Broth 5801 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5801
Eagle’s MEM ① 5900 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5900
Eagle’s MEM ② 5901 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5901
Eagle’s MEM ③ 5902 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5902
Hanks’ Solution ① 5905 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5905
Hanks’ Solution ② 5906 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5906
谷氨酰胺(细胞培养用)Glutamine 5908 0.3g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5908
Medium 199 5909 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5909
Ham’s F12 Medium 5910 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5910
RPMI 1640 Medium① 5911 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5911
Dulbecco’s PBS(-) 5913 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5913
DMEM ① 5915 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5915
RPMI 1640 Medium② 5918 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5918
DMEM ② 5919 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5919
SFM-101 5963 基础12.5g*1,添加物A 10ml*1,添加物B 10ml*1 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5963
ES Medium 5971 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5971
Uro medium 6200 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6200
diaslide 6204 20份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6204
diaslide 6205 120份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6205
弯曲菌选择剂Campylobacter Antibiotic Supplement Butzler 6223 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6223
qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com

关东化学株式会社官方代理 上海金畔生物科技有限公司


日本关东化学官网  日本kanto化学中国代理



qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com

    关东化学株式会社是日本著名的综合试剂厂家(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 它的高质量产品(http://www.chemdrug.com/invest/)在国际上享有极高的声誉。不仅在中国国内 多年来在日本国内、亚洲地区、美国、欧洲等地都深受厚爱。为了保证所有试剂产品的质量 关东化学株式会社的全工厂都取得了ISO 9001和ISO/IEC 17025质量管理体系认证 建立了严格的品质管理体系。1998年 全工厂又在日本试剂行业中率先取得了ISO 14001环境管理体系认证。关东化学株式会社不仅是一家拥有先端技术的生产企业(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 也是一家重视环境安全以及人类社会健康(http://www.chemdrug.com/article/7/)和谐的可信赖企业。 


无论是一般试剂还是特殊试剂、从零售到大量批发 我公司都会竭尽全力地为您提供优质服务、满足您的需求。

日本关东试剂 日本关东化学 日本关东化学株式 关东化学 关东化学株式会社 化学试剂

qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com
Email:sales@jinpanbio.comwww.boykyo.com   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管官网 www.boykyo.com.cn    卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管中文网站 www.boykoy.cn   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管博客 上海金畔同时代理日本日水培养基系列 在生命科学领域,康宁为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药(http://www.chemdrug.com/)生产研发的产品。庆祝上海金畔生物正式成为Nissui(日水)培养基的签约代理商,在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对上海金畔生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Nissui(日水)培养基高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询(http://www.chemdrug.com/)Nissui日水代理,Nissui日水上海代理,Nissui日水北京代理,Nissui日水广州代理,Nissui日水总代理,Nissui日水一级代理,Nissui日水特约代理,Nissui日水上海金畔生物科技有限公司Nissui日水专业代理。


产品名称 产品货号 规格 品牌商标 货号
Eagle’s MEM ① 680 500g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)680
EEM肉汤EEM Broth 5002 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5002
亚硒酸盐肉汤亮绿琼脂基础培养基SBG Broth base 5006 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5006
亚硒酸盐胱氨酸基础培养基Selenite Cystine Broth base 5009 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5009
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5020 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5020
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5021 4L(240g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5021
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5024 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5024
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5025 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5025
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5032 280g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5032
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5033 20L(70g×20) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5033
麦康凯琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Agar 5036 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5036
胆硫乳琼脂(DHL琼脂)(颗粒)DHL Agar 5040 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5040
甘露醇赖氨酸结晶紫煌绿(MLCB)琼脂培养基MLCB Agar 5041 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5041
溴百里酚蓝乳糖琼脂BTB Lactose Agar 5042 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5042
三糖铁琼脂(TSI)(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)TSI Agar 5103 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5103
LIM培养基(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)LIM Medium 5104 60g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5104
SIM培养基SIM Medium 5106 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5106
葡萄糖磷酸盐胨水(VP-MR培养基)VP-MR Medium 5107 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5107
西蒙氏枸橼酸盐琼脂(SC培养基)Simmons Citrate Agar 5111 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5111
MSRV培养基Rappaport-Vassiliadis Broth(RV) 5130 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5130
缓冲蛋白胨水Buffered Peptone Water(BPW) 5131 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5131
四硫磺酸盐煌绿增菌液基础培养基(TT)Tetrathionate Broth(TT) 5132 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5132
X-SAL琼脂培养基X-SAL Agar 5133 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5133
X-VP琼脂培养基X-VP Agar 5135 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5135
DNA琼脂培养基DNA Agar 5148 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5148
BC试验(http://www.chemdrug.com/sell/24/)VP培养基BC Test VP Medium 5154 50条 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5154
细胞色素氧化酶试验用滤纸Cytochrome Oxidase Test Strip 5180 15枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5180
ONPG平板ONPG Disk 5182 50枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5182
弧菌琼脂培养基Vibrio Agar 5201 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5201
硫代硫酸盐柠檬酸胆眼蔗糖(TCBS)琼脂培养基Thiosulfate citrate bile Saccharose Agar 5204 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5204
碱性蛋白胨水Alkaline Peptone Water 5206 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5206
多粘菌素甘露糖亚硒酸盐(PMT)琼脂基础培养基PMT Agar base 5208 240g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5208
氯化钠多粘菌素肉汤培养基Salt Polymyxin Broth 5215 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5215
NAC琼脂培养基NAC Agar 5220 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5220
十六烷基三甲基溴化铵琼脂培养基Cetrimide Agar 5221 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5221
葡萄球菌培养基No.110(颗粒)Staphylococcus Medium No.110 5234 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5234
甘露醇氯化钠培养基Mannitol Salt Agar 5236 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5236
氯化钠卵黄琼脂基础培养基Salt Egg Yolk Agar base 5238 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5238
苯乙醇琼脂培养基PEA Agar 5246 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5246
NGKG琼脂基础培养基(颗粒)NGKG Agar base 5282 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5282
CW琼脂基础培养基(不含卡那霉素)CW Agar base without KM 5401 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5401
CW琼脂基础培养基(含有卡那霉素)CW Agar base with KM 5403 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5403
干燥产气荚膜梭菌A型抗毒素滤纸C.perfringens Differentiation Strip 5406 15张 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5406
梭菌计数琼脂培养基Clostridia Count Agar 5409 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5409
GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar 5420 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5420
GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth 5422 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5422
GAM半流动顶层培养基GAM Semisolid 5424 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5424
改良GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar, Modified 5426 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5426
BL琼脂培养基BL Agar 5430 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5430
改良GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth, Modified 5433 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5433
类杆菌(拟杆菌)培养基Bacteroides Agar 5440 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5440
改良FM琼脂培养基FM Agar, Modified 5441 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5441
GAM琼脂培养基(含庆大霉素)GAM Agar with GM 5450 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5450
GAM半流动培养基(不含葡萄糖)GAM Semisolid without Dextrose 5460 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5460
心脏浸液琼脂培养基(颗粒)Heart Infusion Agar 5503 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5503
心脏浸液肉汤培养基Heart Infusion Broth 5505 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5505
脑心浸萃琼脂培养基Brain Heart Infusion Agar 5506 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5506
脑心浸萃肉汤培养基Brain Heart Infusion Broth 5508 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5508
营养肉汤培养基Nutrient Broth 5511 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5511
营养琼脂培养基Nutrient Agar 5514 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5514
胰蛋白胨大豆琼脂培养基Trypto-Soya Agar (SCD Agar) 5516 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5516
胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤培养基Trypto-Soya Broth (SCD Broth) 5517 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5517
改良TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator, Fluid 5520 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5520
多尔塞特卵培养基Dorset Egg Medium 5522 100支 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5522
CLED琼脂培养基CLED Agar 5527 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5527
缓冲氯化钠蛋白胨溶液(PH7.0)Buffered Sodium Chloride Peptone Solution (PH7.0) 5528 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5528
药敏平板琼脂-NSensitivity Disk Agar-N 5530 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5530
MH琼脂培养基-NMueller-Hinton Agar-N 5533 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5533
药敏测定肉汤Sensitivity Test Broth 5534 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5534
TGC培养基,液体(颗粒)TGC Medium, Fluid 5601 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5601
葡萄糖蛋白胨肉汤培养基Dextrose Peptone Broth 5602 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5602
BLB培养基(颗粒)Blue Light Broth 5607 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5607
TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator,Liquid 5610 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5610
标准方法琼脂培养基(颗粒)Standard Method Agar(SPC: Standard Plate Count) 5618 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5618
平板计数琼脂含BCPPlate Count Agar with BCP 5622 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5622
CVT琼脂培养基CVT Agar 5625 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5625
改良TGC培养基TGC Medium 5629 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5629
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5632 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5632
乳糖肉汤培养基(颗粒)Lactose Broth 5634 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5634
脱氧胆酸盐琼脂培养基(颗粒)Desoxycholate Agar 5636 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5636
煌绿乳糖胆盐肉汤(颗粒)BGLB Broth 5638 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5638
月桂基硫酸盐MUG肉汤培养基Lauryl Sulfate MUG Broth 5639 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5639
X-GAL琼脂培养基X-GAL Agar 5642 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5642
麦康凯山梨糖醇琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Sorbitol Agar 5643 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5643
伊红美蓝琼脂(EMB琼脂)EMB Agar 5644 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5644
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5647 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5647
EC肉汤培养基EC Broth 5648 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5648
  5649 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5649
EF琼脂基础培养基EF Agar base 5679 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5679
AC肉汤基础培养基AC Broth base 5680 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5680
沙氏琼脂培养基(颗粒)Sabouraud Agar 5701 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5701
玉米粉琼脂培养基Corn Meal Agar 5702 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5702
念珠菌属GE琼脂培养基Candida GE Agar 5703 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5703
察氏培养基Czapek Dox Agar 5705 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5705
麦芽汁琼脂培养基Malt Agar 5706 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5706
马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(颗粒)Potato Dextrose Agar 5709 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5709
乳酸菌琼脂培养基培养Lactobacilli Culture Agar 5800 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5800
乳酸菌接种肉汤Lactobacilli Inoculum Broth 5801 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5801
Eagle’s MEM ① 5900 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5900
Eagle’s MEM ② 5901 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5901
Eagle’s MEM ③ 5902 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5902
Hanks’ Solution ① 5905 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5905
Hanks’ Solution ② 5906 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5906
谷氨酰胺(细胞培养用)Glutamine 5908 0.3g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5908
Medium 199 5909 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5909
Ham’s F12 Medium 5910 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5910
RPMI 1640 Medium① 5911 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5911
Dulbecco’s PBS(-) 5913 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5913
DMEM ① 5915 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5915
RPMI 1640 Medium② 5918 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5918
DMEM ② 5919 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5919
SFM-101 5963 基础12.5g*1,添加物A 10ml*1,添加物B 10ml*1 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5963
ES Medium 5971 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5971
Uro medium 6200 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6200
diaslide 6204 20份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6204
diaslide 6205 120份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6205
弯曲菌选择剂Campylobacter Antibiotic Supplement Butzler 6223 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6223
qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com

日本天野酶试剂代理商 日本天野酶试剂官网


日本天野酶试剂代理商 日本天野酶试剂官网

日本关东化学官网 日本KANTO化学中国代理




qq号:2743691513 1042640511

网 址: www.jinpanbio.com
日本关东化学官网 日本KANTO化学中国代理



日本关东化学官网  日本KANTO化学中国代理



qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com

关东化学株式会社是日本著名的综合试剂厂家(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 它的高质量产品(http://www.chemdrug.com/invest/)在国际上享有极高的声誉。不仅在中国国内 多年来在日本国内、亚洲地区、美国、欧洲等地都深受厚爱。为了保证所有试剂产品的质量 关东化学株式会社的全工厂都取得了ISO 9001和ISO/IEC 17025质量管理体系认证 建立了严格的品质管理体系。1998年 全工厂又在日本试剂行业中率先取得了ISO 14001环境管理体系认证。关东化学株式会社不仅是一家拥有先端技术的生产企业(http://www.chemdrug.com/company/) 也是一家重视环境安全以及人类社会健康(http://www.chemdrug.com/article/7/)和谐的可信赖企业。

无论是一般试剂还是特殊试剂、从零售到大量批发 我公司都会竭尽全力地为您提供优质服务、满足您的需求。

日本关东试剂 日本关东化学 日本关东化学株式 关东化学 关东化学株式会社 化学试剂

qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com
Email:sales@jinpanbio.comwww.boykyo.com   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管官网 www.boykyo.com.cn    卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管中文网站 www.boykoy.cn   卜一口唾液采集器和卜一口无创采血管博客 上海金畔同时代理日本日水培养基系列 在生命科学领域,康宁为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药(http://www.chemdrug.com/)生产研发的产品。庆祝上海金畔生物正式成为Nissui(日水)培养基的签约代理商,在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对上海金畔生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Nissui(日水)培养基高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询(http://www.chemdrug.com/)。 Nissui日水代理,Nissui日水上海代理,Nissui日水北京代理,Nissui日水广州代理,Nissui日水总代理,Nissui日水一级代理,Nissui日水特约代理,Nissui日水上海金畔生物科技有限公司Nissui日水专业代理。


产品名称 产品货号 规格 品牌商标 货号
Eagle’s MEM ① 680 500g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)680
EEM肉汤EEM Broth 5002 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5002
亚硒酸盐肉汤亮绿琼脂基础培养基SBG Broth base 5006 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5006
亚硒酸盐胱氨酸基础培养基Selenite Cystine Broth base 5009 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5009
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5020 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5020
沙门、志贺菌属琼脂培养基(SS琼脂)(颗粒)SS Agar 5021 4L(240g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5021
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5024 20L(1,200g) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5024
SSB琼脂培养基(颗粒)SSB Agar 5025 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5025
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5032 280g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5032
SS琼脂培养基含蔗糖(颗粒)SS Agar with Sucrose 5033 20L(70g×20) Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5033
麦康凯琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Agar 5036 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5036
胆硫乳琼脂(DHL琼脂)(颗粒)DHL Agar 5040 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5040
甘露醇赖氨酸结晶紫煌绿(MLCB)琼脂培养基MLCB Agar 5041 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5041
溴百里酚蓝乳糖琼脂BTB Lactose Agar 5042 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5042
三糖铁琼脂(TSI)(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)TSI Agar 5103 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5103
LIM培养基(加入1%氯化钠用于肠炎弧菌)LIM Medium 5104 60g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5104
SIM培养基SIM Medium 5106 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5106
葡萄糖磷酸盐胨水(VP-MR培养基)VP-MR Medium 5107 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5107
西蒙氏枸橼酸盐琼脂(SC培养基)Simmons Citrate Agar 5111 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5111
MSRV培养基Rappaport-Vassiliadis Broth(RV) 5130 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5130
缓冲蛋白胨水Buffered Peptone Water(BPW) 5131 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5131
四硫磺酸盐煌绿增菌液基础培养基(TT)Tetrathionate Broth(TT) 5132 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5132
X-SAL琼脂培养基X-SAL Agar 5133 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5133
X-VP琼脂培养基X-VP Agar 5135 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5135
DNA琼脂培养基DNA Agar 5148 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5148
BC试验(http://www.chemdrug.com/sell/24/)VP培养基BC Test VP Medium 5154 50条 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5154
细胞色素氧化酶试验用滤纸Cytochrome Oxidase Test Strip 5180 15枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5180
ONPG平板ONPG Disk 5182 50枚 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5182
弧菌琼脂培养基Vibrio Agar 5201 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5201
硫代硫酸盐柠檬酸胆眼蔗糖(TCBS)琼脂培养基Thiosulfate citrate bile Saccharose Agar 5204 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5204
碱性蛋白胨水Alkaline Peptone Water 5206 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5206
多粘菌素甘露糖亚硒酸盐(PMT)琼脂基础培养基PMT Agar base 5208 240g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5208
氯化钠多粘菌素肉汤培养基Salt Polymyxin Broth 5215 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5215
NAC琼脂培养基NAC Agar 5220 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5220
十六烷基三甲基溴化铵琼脂培养基Cetrimide Agar 5221 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5221
葡萄球菌培养基No.110(颗粒)Staphylococcus Medium No.110 5234 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5234
甘露醇氯化钠培养基Mannitol Salt Agar 5236 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5236
氯化钠卵黄琼脂基础培养基Salt Egg Yolk Agar base 5238 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5238
苯乙醇琼脂培养基PEA Agar 5246 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5246
NGKG琼脂基础培养基(颗粒)NGKG Agar base 5282 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5282
CW琼脂基础培养基(不含卡那霉素)CW Agar base without KM 5401 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5401
CW琼脂基础培养基(含有卡那霉素)CW Agar base with KM 5403 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5403
干燥产气荚膜梭菌A型抗毒素滤纸C.perfringens Differentiation Strip 5406 15张 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5406
梭菌计数琼脂培养基Clostridia Count Agar 5409 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5409
GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar 5420 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5420
GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth 5422 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5422
GAM半流动顶层培养基GAM Semisolid 5424 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5424
改良GAM琼脂培养基GAM Agar, Modified 5426 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5426
BL琼脂培养基BL Agar 5430 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5430
改良GAM肉汤培养基GAM Broth, Modified 5433 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5433
类杆菌(拟杆菌)培养基Bacteroides Agar 5440 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5440
改良FM琼脂培养基FM Agar, Modified 5441 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5441
GAM琼脂培养基(含庆大霉素)GAM Agar with GM 5450 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5450
GAM半流动培养基(不含葡萄糖)GAM Semisolid without Dextrose 5460 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5460
心脏浸液琼脂培养基(颗粒)Heart Infusion Agar 5503 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5503
心脏浸液肉汤培养基Heart Infusion Broth 5505 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5505
脑心浸萃琼脂培养基Brain Heart Infusion Agar 5506 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5506
脑心浸萃肉汤培养基Brain Heart Infusion Broth 5508 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5508
营养肉汤培养基Nutrient Broth 5511 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5511
营养琼脂培养基Nutrient Agar 5514 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5514
胰蛋白胨大豆琼脂培养基Trypto-Soya Agar (SCD Agar) 5516 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5516
胰蛋白胨大豆肉汤培养基Trypto-Soya Broth (SCD Broth) 5517 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5517
改良TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator, Fluid 5520 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5520
多尔塞特卵培养基Dorset Egg Medium 5522 100支 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5522
CLED琼脂培养基CLED Agar 5527 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5527
缓冲氯化钠蛋白胨溶液(PH7.0)Buffered Sodium Chloride Peptone Solution (PH7.0) 5528 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5528
药敏平板琼脂-NSensitivity Disk Agar-N 5530 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5530
MH琼脂培养基-NMueller-Hinton Agar-N 5533 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5533
药敏测定肉汤Sensitivity Test Broth 5534 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5534
TGC培养基,液体(颗粒)TGC Medium, Fluid 5601 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5601
葡萄糖蛋白胨肉汤培养基Dextrose Peptone Broth 5602 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5602
BLB培养基(颗粒)Blue Light Broth 5607 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5607
TGC培养基,液体,无指示剂TGC Medium without Indicator,Liquid 5610 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5610
标准方法琼脂培养基(颗粒)Standard Method Agar(SPC: Standard Plate Count) 5618 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5618
平板计数琼脂含BCPPlate Count Agar with BCP 5622 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5622
CVT琼脂培养基CVT Agar 5625 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5625
改良TGC培养基TGC Medium 5629 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5629
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5632 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5632
乳糖肉汤培养基(颗粒)Lactose Broth 5634 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5634
脱氧胆酸盐琼脂培养基(颗粒)Desoxycholate Agar 5636 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5636
煌绿乳糖胆盐肉汤(颗粒)BGLB Broth 5638 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5638
月桂基硫酸盐MUG肉汤培养基Lauryl Sulfate MUG Broth 5639 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5639
X-GAL琼脂培养基X-GAL Agar 5642 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5642
麦康凯山梨糖醇琼脂培养基(颗粒)MacConkey Sorbitol Agar 5643 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5643
伊红美蓝琼脂(EMB琼脂)EMB Agar 5644 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5644
XM-G琼脂培养基XM-G Agar 5647 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5647
EC肉汤培养基EC Broth 5648 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5648
5649 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5649
EF琼脂基础培养基EF Agar base 5679 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5679
AC肉汤基础培养基AC Broth base 5680 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5680
沙氏琼脂培养基(颗粒)Sabouraud Agar 5701 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5701
玉米粉琼脂培养基Corn Meal Agar 5702 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5702
念珠菌属GE琼脂培养基Candida GE Agar 5703 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5703
察氏培养基Czapek Dox Agar 5705 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5705
麦芽汁琼脂培养基Malt Agar 5706 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5706
马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(颗粒)Potato Dextrose Agar 5709 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5709
乳酸菌琼脂培养基培养Lactobacilli Culture Agar 5800 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5800
乳酸菌接种肉汤Lactobacilli Inoculum Broth 5801 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5801
Eagle’s MEM ① 5900 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5900
Eagle’s MEM ② 5901 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5901
Eagle’s MEM ③ 5902 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5902
Hanks’ Solution ① 5905 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5905
Hanks’ Solution ② 5906 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5906
谷氨酰胺(细胞培养用)Glutamine 5908 0.3g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5908
Medium 199 5909 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5909
Ham’s F12 Medium 5910 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5910
RPMI 1640 Medium① 5911 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5911
Dulbecco’s PBS(-) 5913 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5913
DMEM ① 5915 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5915
RPMI 1640 Medium② 5918 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5918
DMEM ② 5919 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5919
SFM-101 5963 基础12.5g*1,添加物A 10ml*1,添加物B 10ml*1 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5963
ES Medium 5971 100g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)5971
Uro medium 6200 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6200
diaslide 6204 20份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6204
diaslide 6205 120份样品用量 Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6205
弯曲菌选择剂Campylobacter Antibiotic Supplement Butzler 6223 300g Nissui(日水) Nissui(日水)6223
qq号:2743691513 1042640511
网 址: www.jinpanbio.com



公司 http://www.phynexus.com 



货号 品名 品牌
DAB 12-000-02 PhyTip column transfer tool for Beckman instrument phynexus
DAB 96-000-01 Adaptor for Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for Beckman phynexus
DAT 12-000-02 PhyTip column transfer tool for Tecan instrument phynexus
DAT 96-000-01 Adaptor for Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for Tecan phynexus
DPA 00-01-00 MEA Lysate Direct PhyTip column Adaptor kit (US) phynexus
DPA 00-01-01 MEA Lysate Direct PhyTip column Adaptor kit (UK) phynexus
DPA 00-01-02 MEA Lysate Direct PhyTip column Adaptor kit (European) phynexus
DPB 92-80-70 Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 1 box kit Beckman phynexus
DPB 92-80-70-10 Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 10 box kit Beckman phynexus
DPB 99-125-01 Precipitation Buffer for plasmid miniprep, 125 mL phynexus
DPR 11-80-70 Demo Kit, Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA box of 12 Rainin phynexus
DPR 91-80-70 Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 1 box kit Rainin phynexus
DPR 91-80-70-10 Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 10 box kit Rainin phynexus
DPT 92-80-70 Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 1 box kit Tecan phynexus
DPT 92-80-70-10 Lysate Direct PhyTip columns for plasmid DNA 10 box kit Tecan phynexus
PCP 96-00-10 Box of 100 Elution Sample Plates: 96 x 200 μL v-bottom wells. Polypropylene  phynexus
PCP 96-10-20 PhyTip Cover for Elution Plates: 100 covers per roll phynexus
PCP 96-20-10 Box of 5 Deep-well Sample Plates: 96 x 2 mL v-bottom wells. Polypropylene  phynexus
PCP 96-60-00 Pack of Neutralization Reservoirs: 36 rows of 12 wells phynexus
PCS 00-000-01 Pipette Calibration Service phynexus
PDR 41-20-06 Box of 48 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 200 μL of 5K desalting resin per column. phynexus
PDR 41-60-06 Box of 48 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 600 μL of 5K desalting resin per column. phynexus
PDR 91-20-06 Box of 96 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 200 μL of 5K desalting resin per column. phynexus
PDR 91-60-06 Box of 96 Desalting columns (1000 μL volume) containing 600 μL of 5K desalting resin per column. phynexus
PHH 10-00-96 MEA Heater platform – single position, controllable temperature plate phynexus
PHR 00-000-00 MEA Personal Purification System phynexus
PHR 00-000-01 MEA Personal Purification System – UK Voltage version phynexus
PHR 00-000-02 MEA Personal Purification System – European Voltage version phynexus
PHR 00-000-03 MEA Personal Purification System – “Other” Voltage version phynexus
PHR 96-000-00 MEA Personal Purification System – US Voltage version phynexus
PHR 96-000-01 MEA Personal Purification System – UK Voltage version phynexus
PHR 96-000-02 MEA Personal Purification System – European  Voltage version phynexus
PHR 96-000-03 MEA Personal Purification System – “Other” Voltage version phynexus
PHR 96-020-00 200+ pipette head for MEA System phynexus
PHR 96-100-00 1000+ pipette head for MEA System phynexus
PHR 96-900-01 Laptop computer for MEA Platform phynexus
PHW 96-010-01 U.S. Service Agreement phynexus
PHW 96-010-02 U.S. Service Agreement with Loaner System phynexus
PHW 96-010-03 European Service Agreement phynexus
PHW 96-010-04 European Service Agreement with Loaner System phynexus
PMT 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-05-NS Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PMT 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PMT 92-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PSA 10-00-00 USB to Serial Adaptor phynexus
PTB 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-05-NS Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5 μL of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PTB 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTB 92-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTD 22-05-NS Box of 24 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5 μl of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PTD 41-10-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-10-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-10-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-10-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-10-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-10-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-10-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-16-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-16-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-16-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-16-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-16-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-16-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-20-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-20-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-20-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-20-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-20-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-20-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-20-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-32-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-32-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-32-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-32-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-32-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-32-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-40-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-40-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-40-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-40-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-40-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-40-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-80-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-80-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-80-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-80-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-80-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 41-80-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-10-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-10-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-10-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-10-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-10-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-10-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-10-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-16-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-16-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-16-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-16-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-16-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-16-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-32-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-32-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-32-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-32-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-32-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-32-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-40-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-40-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-40-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-40-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-40-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-40-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-80-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-80-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-80-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-80-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-80-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 91-80-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione  affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus  affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase 1 affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-05-NS Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5 μl of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PTD 92-20-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-20-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-20-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-20-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-20-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-20-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTD 92-20-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase 1 affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-05-NS Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PTH 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTH 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-05-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-05-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-05-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-05-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-05-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTH 93-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (300 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-10-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-10-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-10-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-10-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-10-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-10-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-10-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-16-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-16-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-16-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-16-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-16-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-16-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-20-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-20-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-20-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-20-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-20-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-20-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-20-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-32-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-32-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-32-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-32-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-32-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-32-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-40-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-40-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-40-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-40-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-40-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-40-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-80-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-80-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-80-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-80-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-80-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 41-80-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-10-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-10-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-10-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-10-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-10-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-10-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-10-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-16-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-16-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-16-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-16-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-16-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-16-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-32-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-32-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-32-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-32-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-32-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-32-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-40-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-40-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-40-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-40-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-40-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-40-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-80-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-80-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-80-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-80-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-80-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Streptavidin affinity resin per column phynexus
PTJ 91-80-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-05-NS Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PTP 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTP 92-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-10-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-16-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-20-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-32-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-40-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 41-80-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-05-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-01 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-02 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-03 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-04 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-05 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-07 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-09 Box of 48 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-11 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-12 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-13 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 42-20-14 Box of 48 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-10-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 10 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-16-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 160 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-32-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 320 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-40-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 40 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of  ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 91-80-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (1 mL volume) containing 80 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptividin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-05-NS   phynexus
PTR 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinty resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns( 200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTR 92-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-05-NS Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PTT 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTT 92-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTV 92-20-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-21 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-kappa (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-22 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect LC-lambda (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-23 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (Hu) resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-24 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgC-Fc (ms) resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-25 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 5 μL of CaptureSelect IgM resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-05-NS Box of 96 PhyScreen Ni-IMAC Resin Screening Toolkit containing 5ul of 12 Ni-IMAC resins phynexus
PTZ 92-20-01 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein A affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-02 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Protein G affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-03 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of IMAC affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-04 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Glutathione affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-05 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Streptavidin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-07 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of ProPlus affinity resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-09 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Normal Phase resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-11 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Anion resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-12 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Anion resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-13 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Strong Cation resin per column phynexus
PTZ 92-20-14 Box of 96 PhyTip columns (200 μL volume) containing 20 μL of Weak Cation resin per column phynexus


prozomix PRO-NAD说明书


 prozomix PRO-NAD说明书

Catalogue No.:

Product Name:
Beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD, NAD+; oxidized form free acid)

β-烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD,NAD +;氧化成游离酸)

Pack Size:
0.1 g, 1 g, 5 g, 25 g, 100 g, and 1000 g


  • Cat No.





  • PRO-NAD-0.1 g

    0.1 g


  • PRO-NAD-1 g

    1 g


  • PRO-NAD-5 g

    5 g


  • PRO-NAD-25 g

    25 g


  • PRO-NAD-100 g

    100 g


  • PRO-NAD-1000 g

    1000 g




可从Prozomix获得的酶辅因子试剂盒包含0.1 g,1 g或5 g四种常见辅因子(NADPH,NADP,NADH和NAD)中的每一种。


生物素标记EMSA探针-C/EBP (0.2μM)(GS016B)

生物素标记EMSA探针-C/EBP (0.2μM)

产品编号: GS016B




675.00 10

价格: ¥ 675.00

产品编号 产品名称 产品包装 产品价格
GS016B 生物素标记EMSA探针-C/EBP (0.2μM) 200μl 675.00元

生物素标记EMSA探针-C/EBP是用于EMSA(也称gel shift)研究的并经生物素(Biotin)标记的C/EBP consensus
C/EBP consensus oligo的序列如下:

产品编号 产品名称 包装
GS016B 生物素标记EMSA探针-C/EBP(0.2μM) 200μl
说明书 1份


1. 本生物素标记EMSA探针用于EMSA结合反应时,参考如下步骤进行:
A. 如下设置EMSA结合反应:

Nuclease-Free Water 7-7.5μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift 结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 0μl
生物素标记探针 0.5-1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 5-5.5μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift 结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
生物素标记探针 0.5-1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 4-4.5μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift 结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
未标记的探针 1μl
生物素标记探针 0.5-1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 4-4.5μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift 结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
未标记的突变探针 1μl
生物素标记探针 0.5-1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 4-4.5μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift 结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
目的蛋白特异抗体 1μl
生物素标记探针 0.5-1μl
总体积 10μl

C.加入1μl EMSA/Gel-Shift上样缓冲液(无色,10X),混匀后立即上样。注意:有些时候溴酚蓝会影响蛋白和DNA的结合,建议尽量使用无色的EMSA/Gel-Shift上样缓冲液。如果对于使用无色上样缓冲液在上样时感觉到无法上样,可以在无色上样缓冲液里面添加极少量的蓝色的上样缓冲液,至可以观察到蓝颜色即可。

生物素标记EMSA探针-C/EBP (0.2μM)(GS016B)



Human IL-4 重组人白细胞介素-4(人白介素-4)

Human IL-4 重组人白细胞介素-4(人白介素-4)





Interleukin-4 (IL-4), also known as B cell-stimulatory factor-1, is a pleiotropic cytokine that induces differentiation of naive helper T cells (Th0 cells) to Th2 cells and produced by by mast cells, activated T cells and bone marrow stromal cells. Mature human IL-4 shares 55%, 39% and 43% aa sequence identity with bovine, mouse, and rat IL-4, respectively.It is a potent cytokine produced by T cells and to a lesser extent by tumor-associated natural killer cells, basophils, and mast cells. IL-4 is a differentiation factor for transforming growth factor-beta secreting Th3. And IL-4 activates two distinct signalling pathways through tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat6, a signal transducer and activator of transcription, and of a 170K protein called 4PS.


Product Properties


Interleukin-4, IL-4, BSF-1, BCDF, IL4E12, Pitrakinra






E.coli-derived human IL-1alpha protein, His25-Ser153.

Molecular Weight

Approximately 15.0 kDa.

AA Sequence




Physical Appearance

Sterile Filtered White lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder.


> 98% by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analyses.

Biological Activity

Fully biologically active when compared to standard. The ED50 as determined by a cell proliferation assay using human TF-1 cells is less than 0.2 ng/mL, corresponding to a specific activity of > 5.0 × 106 IU/mg.


< 1.0 EU per 1μg of the protein by the LAL method.


Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered concentrated solution in PBS, pH 7.4.


We recommend that this vial be briefly centrifuged prior to opening to bring the contents to the bottom. Reconstitute in sterile distilled water or aqueous buffer containing 0.1% BSA to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/mL. Stock solutions should be apportioned into working aliquots and stored at ≤ -20°C. Further dilutions should be made in appropriate buffered solutions.


Shipping and Storage

The products are shipped with ice pack and can be stored at -20 ℃ for 1 year.

1 month, 2 to 8 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution.

3 months, -20 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution.

Recommend to aliquot the protein into smaller quantities when first used and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.



1.Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

2.For your safety and health, please wear lab coats and disposable gloves for operation.

3.For research use only!


Human IL-4 重组人白细胞介素-4(人白介素-4)


Human IL-4 重组人白细胞介素-4(人白介素-4)


Interleukin-4 (IL-4), also known as B cell-stimulatory factor-1, is a pleiotropic cytokine that induces differentiation of naive helper T cells (Th0 cells) to Th2 cells and produced by by mast cells, activated T cells and bone marrow stromal cells. Mature human IL-4 shares 55%, 39% and 43% aa sequence identity with bovine, mouse, and rat IL-4, respectively.It is a potent cytokine produced by T cells and to a lesser extent by tumor-associated natural killer cells, basophils, and mast cells. IL-4 is a differentiation factor for transforming growth factor-beta secreting Th3. And IL-4 activates two distinct signalling pathways through tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat6, a signal transducer and activator of transcription, and of a 170K protein called 4PS.


Product Properties


Interleukin-4, IL-4, BSF-1, BCDF, IL4E12, Pitrakinra






E.coli-derived human IL-1alpha protein, His25-Ser153.

Molecular Weight

Approximately 15.0 kDa.

AA Sequence




Physical Appearance

Sterile Filtered White lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder.


> 98% by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analyses.

Biological Activity

Fully biologically active when compared to standard. The ED50 as determined by a cell proliferation assay using human TF-1 cells is less than 0.2 ng/mL, corresponding to a specific activity of > 5.0 × 106 IU/mg.


< 1.0 EU per 1μg of the protein by the LAL method.


Lyophilized from a 0.2 μm filtered concentrated solution in PBS, pH 7.4.


We recommend that this vial be briefly centrifuged prior to opening to bring the contents to the bottom. Reconstitute in sterile distilled water or aqueous buffer containing 0.1% BSA to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/mL. Stock solutions should be apportioned into working aliquots and stored at ≤ -20°C. Further dilutions should be made in appropriate buffered solutions.


Shipping and Storage

The products are shipped with ice pack and can be stored at -20 ℃ for 1 year.

1 month, 2 to 8 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution.

3 months, -20 °C under sterile conditions after reconstitution.

Recommend to aliquot the protein into smaller quantities when first used and avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.



1.Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

2.For your safety and health, please wear lab coats and disposable gloves for operation.

3.For research use only!


Human IL-4 重组人白细胞介素-4(人白介素-4)


Human IL-4 重组人白细胞介素-4(人白介素-4)


Sciencetool BV330B三联不锈钢真空过滤套装

Sciencetool BV330B三联不锈钢真空过滤套装

品牌 其他品牌 样式 其他
用途 真空过滤 适用范围 化工,石油,制药,汽车,轻工,食品,选矿,水处理,电镀,冶金,染料,纺织

美国Sciencetool BV330B三联不锈钢真空过滤套装适用于实验室大量样品的过滤用。过滤支架整体为316不锈钢材质制造,耐腐蚀性能好;包含无油真空泵一台,噪音低免维护;另配有3000ml废液瓶、过滤膜一盒、灭菌用火焰喷灯,配置齐全使用方便。


美国Sciencetool BV330B三联不锈钢真空过滤套装













z大流速:34 l/min 
















    美国Sciencetool BV330B三联不锈钢真空过滤套装适合于微生物检测过滤、悬浮物检测过滤等各种实验室真空过滤试验。

Sciencetool BV330B三联不锈钢真空过滤套装









6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research & Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司代理。
7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Labfrontieram,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。

greatcellsolarmaterials MS599702说明书

greatcellsolarmaterials MS599702说明书


5-Azaspiro[4.4]nonan-5-ium hexafluorophosphate





AUD $ 104.77


AUD $ 174.62


AUD $ 742.12


AUD $ 1,309.63


AUD $ 4,540.04

BioLegend 2013产品价格表【第10001条-第10529条】

611602 Purified anti-APC11 2925 200ul
611801 Purified anti-BAP37 975 50ul
611802 Purified anti-BAP37 2925 200ul
611901 Purified anti-Bcl-2 975 50ul
611902 Purified anti-Bcl-2 2925 200ul
612101 Purified anti-BRCA1 975 50ul
612301 Purified anti-Cytochrome c 910 25ug
612302 Purified anti-Cytochrome c 2210 100ug
612303 Biotin anti-Cytochrome c 2405 100ug
612304 FITC anti-Cytochrome c 2925 100ug
612503 Purified anti-Cytochrome c 1170 50ul
612504 Purified anti-Cytochrome c 3250 200ul
612701 Purified anti-DNA-PKcs 1105 25ug
612702 Purified anti-DNA-PKcs 2405 100ug
612901 Purified anti-DNA-PKcs Phospho (Thr2609) 1300 25ug
612902 Purified anti-DNA-PKcs Phospho (Thr2609) 3250 100ug
613101 Purified anti-Elongin C 975 50ul
613102 Purified anti-Elongin C 2925 200ul
613201 Purified anti-Galectin 3 975 50ul
613202 Purified anti-Galectin 3 2925 200ul
613301 Purified anti-H2A.X 975 50ul
613302 Purified anti-H2A.X 2925 200ul
613401 Purified anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 1300 25ug
613402 Purified anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 3250 100ug
613403 FITC anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 1820 25tests
613404 FITC anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 3770 100tests
613405 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 2080 25tests
613406 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 4095 100tests
613407 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 2080 25tests
613408 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-H2A.X Phospho (Ser139) 4095 100tests
613501 Purified anti-Lamin A 975 50ul
613502 Purified anti-Lamin A 2925 200ul
613601 Purified anti-Mcl-1 975 50ul
613602 Purified anti-Mcl-1 2925 200ul
613801 Purified anti-NBS1 975 50ul
613802 Purified anti-NBS1 2925 200ul
614201 Purified anti-p53-Acetylated (Lys382) 1625 50ul
614202 Purified anti-p53-Acetylated (Lys382) 4550 200ul
614301 Purified anti-PARP 1105 25ug
614302 Purified anti-PARP 2405 100ug
614602 Purified anti-Rb 2925 200ul
614701 Purified anti-Survivin 975 50ul
614702 Purified anti-Survivin 2925 200ul
614801 anti-14-3-3 ζ/δ 975 50ul
614802 anti-14-3-3 ζ/δ 2925 200ul
615202 Purified anti-Shc 2925 200ul
615501 Purified anti-SOCS6 975 50ul
615601 Purified anti-VASP 975 50ul
615602 Purified anti-VASP 2925 200ul
615901 Purified anti-UCP2 975 50ul
615902 Purified anti-UCP2 2925 200ul
616201 Purified anti-FGFR1 975 50ul
616202 Purified anti-FGFR1 2925 200ul
616401 Purified anti-RCC1 975 50ul
616402 Purified anti-RCC1 2925 200ul
616501 Purified anti-HRF 1950 50ul
616502 Purified anti-HRF 4550 200ul
616701 Purified anti-NF-κB p50 1105 25ug
616702 Purified anti-NF-κB p50 2405 100ug
616704 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-NF-κB p50 3835 100ug
616705 FITC anti-NF-κB p50 1625 25ug
616706 FITC anti-NF-κB p50 3510 100ug
616801 Purified anti-RARa 975 50ul
616802 Purified anti-RARa 2925 200ul
616901 Purified anti-PXR 975 50ul
616902 Purified anti-PXR 2925 200ul
617001 Purified anti-a-Adducin 975 50ul
617002 Purified anti-a-Adducin 2925 200ul
617102 Purified anti-Dystroglycan Phospho (Tyr893) 4550 200ul
617201 Purified anti-Cytokeratin 18 975 50ul
617202 Purified anti-Cytokeratin 18 2925 200ul
618002 Purified anti-Fanconi anemia D2 Phospho (Ser222) 4550 200ul
618501 Purified anti-PLK-1 975 50ul
618502 Purified anti-PLK-1 2925 200ul
618601 Purified anti-PLK-1 Phospho (Thr210) 1625 50ul
618602 Purified anti-PLK-1 Phospho (Thr210) 4550 200ul
618701 Purified anti-Aurora A (Aurora 2) Phospho (Thr288) 1625 50ul
618702 Purified anti-Aurora A (Aurora 2) Phospho (Thr288) 4550 200ul
618901 Purified anti-p63 (TA) 1625 50ul
618902 Purified anti-p63 (TA) 4550 200ul
619001 Purified anti-p63 (ΔN) 1625 50ul
619002 Purified anti-p63 (ΔN) 4550 200ul
619101 Purified anti-NPM/B23 Phospho (Thr234/Thr237) 1625 50ul
619102 Purified anti-NPM/B23 Phospho (Thr234/Thr237) 4550 200ul
619201 Purified anti-NPM/B23 Phospho (Thr199) 1625 50ul
619301 Purified anti-TIF1β 1105 25ug
619302 Purified anti-TIF1β 2405 100ug
619401 Purified anti-Histone H2A 1300 50ul
619402 Purified anti-Histone H2A 3640 200ul
619501 Purified anti-XBP-1s 975 50ul
619502 Purified anti-XBP-1s 2925 200ul
619701 Purified anti-NF-κB/p50 975 50ul
619801 Purified anti-Artemis 975 50ul
619802 Purified anti-Artemis 2925 200ul
619901 Purified anti-mTOR 975 50ul
619902 Purified anti-mTOR 2925 200ul
620201 Purified anti-Stathmin/Op18 Phospho (Ser16) 975 50ul
620202 Purified anti-Stathmin/Op18 Phospho (Ser16) 2925 200ul
620401 Purified anti-ch-TOG 975 50ul
620402 Purified anti-ch-TOG 2925 200ul
620501 Purified anti-Eg5 Phospho (Thr927) 1625 50ul
620502 Purified anti-Eg5 Phospho (Thr927) 4550 200ul
620702 Purified anti-Cdc2 Phospho (Ser17) 4550 200ul
620802 Purified anti-CRP (C-reactive protein) 2925 200ul
620901 Purified anti-Tubulin-γ 975 50ul
620902 Purified anti-Tubulin-γ 2925 200ul
621001 Purified anti-GRASP65 975 50ul
621002 Purified anti-GRASP65 2925 200ul
621201 Purified anti-Myosin heavy chain 1105 25ul
621202 Purified anti-Myosin heavy chain 2405 100ul
621301 Purified anti-EGFR 1300 50ul
621302 Purified anti-EGFR 3250 200ul
621502 Purified anti-Adiponectin 4550 200ul
621901 Purified anti-Caspase-9 1105 25ug
621902 Purified anti-Caspase-9 2405 100ug
622001 Purified anti-Caspase-8 1105 25ug
622002 Purified anti-Caspase-8 2405 100ug
622101 Purified anti-β-Actin 1300 50ul
622102 Purified anti-β-Actin 3250 200ul
622401 Purified anti-p38 MAPK 1300 50ul
622402 Purified anti-p38 MAPK 3250 200ul
622601 Purified anti-NF-κB p65 1300 50ul
622602 Purified anti-NF-κB p65 3250 200ul
622701 Purified anti-Caspase-3 1105 25ug
622702 Purified anti-Caspase-3 2405 100ug
622704 Biotin anti-Caspase-3 2535 100ug
623202 Purified anti-Raptor 3250 200ul
623301 Purified anti-Chk2 975 50ul
623401 Purified anti-Acetylated Lysine 1105 25ug
623402 Purified anti-Acetylated Lysine 2405 100ug
623801 Purified anti-FOXP3 1755 50ul
623802 Purified anti-FOXP3 3900 200ul
623901 Purified anti-LAT 1105 25ug
623902 Purified anti-LAT 2405 100ug
624001 Purified anti-Paxillin 975 50ul
624102 Purified anti-NEK9 3250 200ul
624201 Purified anti-ERK2 1300 50ul
624302 Purified anti-PKC 3250 500ul
624502 Purified anti-STAT2 3250 200ul
624601 Purified anti-STAT3 975 50ul
624602 Purified anti-STAT3 2925 200ul
624701 Purified anti-Sp1 1300 125ul
624702 Purified anti-Sp1 3250 500ul
624801 Purified anti-Sp3 1300 50ul
624802 Purified anti-Sp3 3250 200ul
624901 Purified anti-IkB-α 1300 50ul
624902 Purified anti-IkB-α 3250 200ul
625002 Purified anti-SLP-76 3250 200ul
625004 FITC anti-SLP-76 3835 100tests
625101 Purified anti-Bax 1300 50ul
625102 Purified anti-Bax 3250 200ul
625801 Purified anti-Nod2 1235 25ug
625802 Purified anti-Nod2 2925 100ug
625901 Purified anti-Tubulin-α 1105 25ug
625902 Purified anti-Tubulin-α 2405 100ug
626001 Purified anti-C/EBP β (2 isoforms C/EBP β, LAP) 1105 25ug
626002 Purified anti-C/EBP β (2 isoforms C/EBP β, LAP) 2405 100ug
626201 Purified anti-Syk 1300 25ug
626202 Purified anti-Syk 3250 100ug
626301 Purified anti-Neurofilament medium protein (NF-M) 1300 25ug
626402 Purified anti-Neurofilament heavy protein (NF-H) 3250 100ug
626501 Purified anti-Fyn 1235 25ug
626502 Purified anti-Fyn 2925 100ug
626601 Purified anti-SOCS3 1235 25ug
626602 Purified anti-SOCS3 2925 100ug
626801 Purified anti-c-Myc 1105 25ug
626802 Purified anti-c-Myc 2405 100ug
626901 Purified anti-Cdc2 (p34) 1105 25ug
627102 Purified anti-NTAL 3250 100ug
627202 Purified anti-TRIM 3250 100ug
627302 Purified anti-STAT1 3250 100ug
627501 Purified anti-VEGF 1300 50ul
627502 Purified anti-VEGF 3250 200ul
627602 Purified anti-PARC (H7AP1) 3250 100ug
627701 Purified anti-PLK-1 1170 25ug
627702 Purified anti-PLK-1 2535 100ug
627703 Biotin anti-PLK-1 1625 25ug
627801 Purified anti-Eg5 1170 25ug
627802 Purified anti-Eg5 2535 100ug
627803 Biotin anti-Eg5 1625 25ug
627901 Purified anti-Tubulin-α 1105 25ug
627902 Purified anti-Tubulin-α 2405 100ug
627903 Biotin anti-Tubulin-α 1625 25ug
627904 Biotin anti-Tubulin-α 3380 100ug
627905 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Tubulin-α 1950 25ug
627906 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Tubulin-α 3835 100ug
628001 Purified anti-TPX2 1170 25ug
628002 Purified anti-TPX2 2535 100ug
628102 Purified anti-Lyn 2535 100ug
628201 Purified anti-P53 1105 25ug
628202 Purified anti-P53 2405 100ug
628301 Purified anti-Lck 1170 25ug
628302 Purified anti-Lck 2535 100ug
628401 Purified anti-Cytokeratin 18 1105 25ug
628402 Purified anti-Cytokeratin 18 2405 100ug
628502 Purified anti-Cytokeratin 19 2405 100ug
628601 Purified anti-Cytokeratin (pan reactive) 1105 25ug
628602 Purified anti-Cytokeratin (pan reactive) 2405 100ug
628702 Purified anti-Cytokeratin 7/17 2405 100ug
628801 Purified anti-Centrin 2 (Caltractin) 1300 50ul
628802 Purified anti-Centrin 2 (Caltractin) 3250 200ul
628901 Purified anti-PLK-1 Phospho (Thr210) 1300 25ug
628902 Purified anti-PLK-1 Phospho (Thr210) 3250 100ug
628906 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-PLK-1 Phospho (Thr210) 3900 100tests
629001 Purified anti-PRC1 1170 25ug
629002 Purified anti-PRC1 2535 100ug
629101 Purified anti-Notch 1 910 25ug
629102 Purified anti-Notch 1 1820 100ug
629103 Biotin anti-Notch 1 975 25ug
629104 Biotin anti-Notch 1 1950 100ug
629105 PE anti-Notch 1 1105 25ug
629106 PE anti-Notch 1 2210 100ug
629201 Purified anti-Tubulin-γ 1105 25ug
629301 Purified anti-Elongin B 1170 25ug
629302 Purified anti-Elongin B 2535 100ug
629304 Biotin anti-Elongin B 3380 100ug
629402 Purified anti-NEK2 2535 100ug
629501 Purified anti-p53 Phospho (Ser392) 1300 25ug
629701 Purified anti-FLiC (Flagellin) 1300 25ug
629702 Purified anti-FLiC (Flagellin) 3250 100ug
629801 Purified anti-FOXO3A (FKHRL1) 1625 50ul
629901 Human FoxP3 transfected Cell Lysate 975 100ul
630001 Mouse FoxP3 transfected Cell Lysate 975 100ul
630101 Purified anti-PTBP1 1300 25ug
630201 Purified anti-eIF3/p116 1625 50ul
630301 Purified anti-AND-1 (WDHD1) 1300 25ug
630302 Purified anti-AND-1 (WDHD1) 3250 100ug
630601 Purified anti-GPR83 1625 50ul
630602 Purified anti-GPR83 3575 200ul
630701 Purified anti-Cyclin E 1625 125ul
630702 Purified anti-Cyclin E 3575 500ul
630801 Purified anti-SOX2 (NH2 terminus) 1625 50ul
630802 Purified anti-SOX2 (NH2 terminus) 3575 200ul
631101 Purified anti-Microtubule Associated Protein 2ab (MAP2ab) 1105 25ug
631102 Purified anti-Microtubule Associated Protein 2ab (MAP2ab) 2405 100ug
631301 Purified anti-Daxx 1625 25ug
631302 Purified anti-Daxx 3575 100ug
631401 Purified anti-GAPDH 1625 125ul
631402 Purified anti-GAPDH 3575 500ul
631701 Purified anti-FOXD3 1625 50ul
631702 Purified anti-FOXD3 3575 200ul
631901 Purified anti-Oct4 (Oct-4) 1300 25ul
631902 Purified anti-Oct4 (Oct-4) 3250 100ul
632402 Purified anti-CAK (cdk7) Phospho (Ser164/Thr170) 3250 100ul
632701 Purified anti-B-Raf Phospho (Thr598/Ser601) 1300 25ul
632702 Purified anti-B-Raf Phospho (Thr598/Ser601) 3250 100ul
633001 Purified anti-Cbl 1235 125ul
633101 Purified anti-JNK1 1235 125ul
633102 Purified anti-JNK1 2925 500ul
633301 Purified anti-Cdk4 1235 125ul
633302 Purified anti-Cdk4 2925 500ul
633501 Purified anti-Bcl-2 1105 25ug
633502 Purified anti-Bcl-2 2405 100ug
633503 FITC anti-Bcl-2 1170 25ug
633504 FITC anti-Bcl-2 2860 100ug
633505 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Bcl-2 1365 25ug
633506 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Bcl-2 3185 100ug
633507 PE anti-Bcl-2 1560 25ug
633508 PE anti-Bcl-2 3640 100ug
633509 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-Bcl-2 1430 25ug
633510 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-Bcl-2 3315 100ug
633601 Purified anti-Bax 1105 25ug
633602 Purified anti-Bax 2405 100ug
633701 Purified anti-Bax 1105 25ug
633702 Purified anti-Bax 2405 100ug
633801 Purified anti-Bax 1105 25ug
633802 Purified anti-Bax 2405 100ug
633901 Purified anti-Bcl-XS/L 1105 25ug
633902 Purified anti-Bcl-XS/L 2405 100ug
634001 Purified anti-Caspase 2L 1235 125ul
634002 Purified anti-Caspase 2L 2925 500ul
634101 Purified anti-Caspase 3 1235 125ul
634201 Purified anti-Caspase 9 1235 50ul
634301 Purified anti-SIRT1 1235 50ul
634302 Purified anti-SIRT1 2925 200ul
634501 Purified anti-Alix 1235 25ug
634502 Purified anti-Alix 2535 100ug
634601 Purified anti-hnRNPK 1235 25ug
634602 Purified anti-hnRNPK 2535 100ug
634702 Purified anti-MMP1 2535 100ug
634802 Purified anti-MMP2 2535 100ug
634902 Purified anti-MMP3 2535 100ug
635002 Purified anti-MMP9 2535 100ug
635201 Purified anti-RIG-1 1235 25ug
635202 Purified anti-RIG-1 2535 100ug
635302 Purified anti-TIMP-1 2535 100ug
635401 Purified anti-TIMP-2 1235 25ug
635402 Purified anti-TIMP-2 2535 100ug
635502 Purified anti-TCP-1β 2535 100ug
635601 Purified anti-ATIC 1235 25ug
635602 Purified anti-ATIC 2535 100ug
635901 Purified anti-TSC2 Phospho (Ser664) 1300 25ul
635902 Purified anti-TSC2 Phospho (Ser664) 3250 100ul
636101 Purified anti-Aurora B Phospho (Thr232) 1300 25ul
636102 Purified anti-Aurora B Phospho (Thr232) 3250 100ul
636702 Purified anti-SIK2 2535 100ug
636801 Purified anti-p97/VCP 1235 25ug
636802 Purified anti-p97/VCP 2535 100ug
637301 Purified anti-DYKDDDDK 2795 200ug
637302 Purified anti-DYKDDDDK 4225 500ug
637303 Purified anti-DYKDDDDK 5265 1mg
637304 Purified anti-DYKDDDDK 8645 5mg
637307 APC anti-DYKDDDDK 1235 25ug
637308 APC anti-DYKDDDDK 3835 100ug
637801 Purified anti-14-3-3 ζ 1235 25ul
637901 Purified anti-14-3-3 ε 1235 25ul
638001 Purified anti-eIF3K 1235 25ul
638201 Purified anti-eIF3F 1235 25ul
638202 Purified anti-eIF3F 2925 100ul
638401 Purified anti-eIF3J 1235 25ul
638501 Purified anti-Argonaute-1 (eIF2C1) 1235 25ul
638502 Purified anti-Argonaute-1 (eIF2C1) 2925 100ul
638801 Purified anti-RORα 1365 25ul
638802 Purified anti-RORα 2925 100ul
639301 Purified anti-DDX3 1235 25ul
639701 Purified anti-Dppa4 1365 25ul
639901 Purified anti-UTF1 1365 25ul
640402 Purified anti-Nac1 2925 100ul
640801 Purified anti-GST 780 25ug
640802 Purified anti-GST 1430 100ug
640905 FITC Annexin V 910 25tests
640906 FITC Annexin V 2145 100tests
640907 PE Annexin V 1040 25tests
640908 PE Annexin V 2405 100tests
640911 Alexa Fluor 647 Annexin V 1105 25tests
640912 Alexa Fluor 647 Annexin V 2600 100tests
640914 FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit with PI 2795 100tests
640917 Pacific Blue™ Annexin V 1365 25tests
640918 Pacific Blue™ Annexin V 3250 100tests
640919 APC Annexin V 1105 25tests
640920 APC Annexin V 2405 100tests
640922 FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit with 7-AAD 2795 100tests
641001 Purified anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser28) 1950 25ug
641002 Purified anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser28) 4550 100ug
641003 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser28) 1560 25tests
641004 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser28) 3835 100tests
641005 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser28) 1560 25tests
641006 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser28) 3835 100tests
641101 Purified anti-LAT 1235 25ug
641102 Purified anti-LAT 2535 100ug
641301 Purified anti-human LSP1 1300 25ug
641302 Purified anti-human LSP1 3250 100ug
641401 Purified anti-c-Fos 1235 25ul
641402 Purified anti-c-Fos 2925 100ul
642301 Purified anti-KLF6 1365 25ul
642302 Purified anti-KLF6 2925 100ul
642401 Purified anti-Gli-1 1365 50ul
642402 Purified anti-Gli-1 2925 200ul
643601 Purified anti-CHOP (GADD153) 1235 25ul
643602 Purified anti-CHOP (GADD153) 2925 100ul
643801 Purified anti-β-actin 1105 25ug
643802 Purified anti-β-actin 2535 100ug
643901 Purified anti-Cdk2 1105 25ug
644001 Purified anti-Cyclin A 1235 25ug
644101 Purified anti-CD247 (TCRζ, CD3ζ) 1300 25ug
644102 Purified anti-CD247 (TCRζ, CD3ζ) 3250 100ug
644103 FITC anti-CD247 (TCRζ, CD3ζ) 1365 25ug
644104 FITC anti-CD247 (TCRζ, CD3ζ) 3445 100ug
644301 Purified anti-Syk 1300 25ug
644302 Purified anti-Syk 3250 100ug
644401 Purified anti-BiP 1365 25ug
644402 Purified anti-BiP 2925 100ug
644602 Purified anti-TIF1β Phospho (Ser473) 3250 100ul
644701 Purified anti-GFAP 1365 25ug
644702 Purified anti-GFAP 3250 100ug
644801 Purified anti-T-bet 1105 25ug
644802 Purified anti-T-bet 2405 100ug
644803 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-T-bet 1950 25ug
644804 Alexa Fluor 647 anti-T-bet 4225 100ug
644805 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-T-bet 2210 25ug
644806 PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-T-bet 4550 100ug
644807 Pacific Blue™ anti-T-bet 1950 25ug
644808 Pacific Blue™ anti-T-bet 4225 100ug
644809 PE anti-T-bet 2275 25ug
644810 PE anti-T-bet 4550 100ug
644811 FITC anti-T-bet 1820 25ug
644812 FITC anti-T-bet 3900 100ug
644813 APC anti-T-bet 2275 25ug
644814 APC anti-T-bet 4550 100ug
644815 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-T-bet 2730 125ul
644816 Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-T-bet 5110 500ul
644902 Purified anti-RORg 3250 100ug
645001 Purified anti-BID 1365 25ug
645101 Purified anti-Caspase-1 1365 25ug
645102 Purified anti-Caspase-1 2925 100ug
645202 Purified anti-Caspase-10 2925 100ug
645301 Purified anti-Caspase-7 1365 25ug
645401 Purified anti-Caspase-12 1365 25ug
645501 Purified anti-Caspase-8 1365 25ug
645601 Purified anti-AIP1 1365 25ug
645701 Purified anti-p53 1170 25ug
645702 Purified anti-p53 2470 100ug
645801 Purified anti-p53 1170 25ug
645802 Purified anti-p53 2470 100ug
645901 Purified anti-Mucin-4 1365 25ug
645902 Purified anti-Mucin-4 2925 100ug
646001 Purified anti-Syk 1365 25ug
646002 Purified anti-Syk 2925 100ug
646101 Purified anti-eIF3G 1365 25ug
646102 Purified anti-eIF3G 2925 100ug
646301 Purified anti-Ubiquitin 1365 25ug
646302 Purified anti-Ubiquitin 2925 100ug
646402 Purified anti-IRF4 2925 100ug
646501 Purified anti-RORg 1625 25ug
646502 Purified anti-RORg 3575 100ug
646701 Purified anti-eIF3I (p36) 1365 25ug
646702 Purified anti-eIF3I (p36) 2925 100ug
646801 Purified anti-eIF3H (p40) 1365 25ug
646802 Purified anti-eIF3H (p40) 2925 100ug
647002 Purified anti-eIF3D (p66) 2925 100ug
647101 Purified anti-Mast Cell Protease-11 1365 25ug
647102 Purified anti-Mast Cell Protease-11 2925 100ug
647201 Purified anti-Caspase-11 1300 25ug
647202 Purified anti-Caspase-11 3250 100ug
647401 Purified anti-mMCP-8 1365 25ug
647402 Purified anti-mMCP-8 3250 100ug
647501 Purified anti-XBP-1s 1365 25ug
647502 Purified anti-XBP-1s 3250 100ug
647601 Purified anti-TRIM25 1365 25ul
647602 Purified anti-TRIM25 2925 100ul
647701 Purified anti-P62 1560 50ul
647702 Purified anti-P62 3250 200ul
647801 Purified anti-ERK1/2 Phosphorylated (Thr202/Tyr204) 2275 50ul
647901 Purified anti-Cyclin B1 1365 25ug
647902 Purified anti-Cyclin B1 2925 100ug
648001 Purified anti-Hsp70 1365 25ug
648002 Purified anti-Hsp70 3250 100ug
648003 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Hsp70 1820 25tests
648004 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Hsp70 3835 100tests
648101 Purified anti-Ficolin B 1365 25ug
648102 Purified anti-Ficolin B 2925 100ug
648202 Purified anti-Blimp-1 2925 100ug
648301 Purified anti-Bcl-6 1560 25ug
648302 Purified anti-Bcl-6 3250 100ug
648303 PE anti-mouse/human Bcl-6 1625 25tests
648304 PE anti-mouse/human Bcl-6 4225 100tests
648401 Purified anti-tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAcP) 1365 25ug
648402 Purified anti-tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAcP) 2925 100ug
648501 Purified anti-Nhedc2 (NHA2) 1560 25ul
648502 Purified anti-Nhedc2 (NHA2) 3250 100ul
648602 Purified anti-β-Arrestin-1 2925 100ug
648701 Purified anti-IRF-3 1365 25ug
648702 Purified anti-IRF-3 2925 100ug
648801 Purified anti-MAPKAP1 1365 25ul
648802 Purified anti-MAPKAP1 2925 100ul
648901 Purified anti-MyD88 1365 25ul
648902 Purified anti-MyD88 2925 100ul
649001 Purified anti-Akt Phospho (Ser473) 1625 50ul
649002 Purified anti-Akt Phospho (Ser473) 4550 200ul
649101 Purified anti-PKCα Phospho (Thr638) 1950 25ul
649102 Purified anti-PKCα Phospho (Thr638) 3835 100ul
649201 Purified anti-GAPDH 1365 25ug
649202 Purified anti-GAPDH 2535 100ug
649301 Purified anti-TdT 1365 25ug
649302 Purified anti-TdT 3250 100ug
649401 Purified anti-PERK Phospho (Ser713) 1625 100ul
649402 Purified anti-PERK Phospho (Ser713) 4550 400ul
649501 Purified anti-β-Arrestin-1/2 1365 25ug
649502 Purified anti-β-Arrestin-1/2 2925 100ug
649601 Purified anti-NFATc1 1365 25ug
649602 Purified anti-NFATc1 2925 100ug
649702 Purified anti-Pax-5 2925 100ug
649801 Purified anti-AMPKα 1625 50ul
649802 Purified anti-AMPKα 4550 200ul
649901 Purified anti-GRP94 1625 25ul
649902 Purified anti-GRP94 4550 100ul
650001 Purified anti-Cytochrome b-245 light chain 1365 25ug
650002 Purified anti-Cytochrome b-245 light chain 2925 100ug
650101 Purified anti-Cytochrome b-245 heavy chain 1365 25ug
650102 Purified anti-Cytochrome b-245 heavy chain 2925 100ug
650302 Purified anti-CAP-18 2925 100ug
650401 Purified anti-Ataxin-3 1365 25ug
650402 Purified anti-Ataxin-3 2925 100ug
650501 Purified anti-BID 1365 25ug
650502 Purified anti-BID 2925 100ug
650601 Purified anti-Bcl11b 1950 25ug
650602 Purified anti-Bcl11b 4550 100ug
650701 Purified anti-Galectin-9 1365 25ug
650702 Purified anti-Galectin-9 2925 100ug
650801 Purified anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser10) 1950 25ug
650802 Purified anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser10) 4550 100ug
650803 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser10) 2275 25tests
650804 Alexa Fluor 488 anti-Histone H3 Phospho (Ser10) 5005 100tests
650901 Purified anti-β-catenin 1365 25ug
650902 Purified anti-β-catenin 2925 100ug
651001 Purified anti-STAT3 Phospho (Tyr705) 1625 25ug
651002 Purified anti-STAT3 Phospho (Tyr705) 3575 100ug
651101 Purified anti-STAT5 Phospho (Tyr694) 1365 25ul
651102 Purified anti-STAT5 Phospho (Tyr694) 2925 100ul
651201 Purified anti-ATM Phospho (Ser1981) 1625 25ug
651202 Purified anti-ATM Phospho (Ser1981) 3575 100ug
651301 Purified anti-JNK Phospho (Thr183/Tyr185) 1625 50ul
651302 Purified anti-JNK Phospho (Thr183/Tyr185) 4550 200ul
651401 Purified anti-HMGB1 1625 25ug
651402 Purified anti-HMGB1 3575 100ug
651501 Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag (L5) Affinity Gel 2275 500ul
651502 Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag (L5) Affinity Gel 5005 2.0ml
651503 Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag (L5) Affinity Gel 9035 5.0ml
651601 Purified anti-ZBP-1 1625 25ug
651602 Purified anti-ZBP-1 3575 100ug
651701 Purified anti-mTOR Phospho (Ser2481) 1625 50ul
651702 Purified anti-mTOR Phospho (Ser2481) 3575 200ul
651901 Purified anti-SOX2 1625 50ul
651902 Purified anti-SOX2 3575 200ul
652001 Purified anti-mouse Isthmin-1 1625 25ug
652002 Purified anti-mouse Isthmin-1 3575 100ug
652101 Purified anti-mouse/human Isthmin-1 1625 25ug
652102 Purified anti-mouse/human Isthmin-1 3575 100ug
652201 Purified anti-mouse/human Isthmin-1 1625 25ug
652202 Purified anti-mouse/human Isthmin-1 3575 100ug
652301 Purified anti-human CD304 1625 25ug
652302 Purified anti-human CD304 3575 100ug
652401 Purified anti-mouse Ki-67 975 25ug
652402 Purified anti-mouse Ki-67 2275 100ug
652501 Purified anti-His Tag 1300 25ug
652502 Purified anti-His Tag 2925 100ug
652601 Purified anti-IRF-5 1625 25ug
652602 Purified anti-IRF-5 3575 100ug
652701 Purified anti-HDAC6 1625 25ug
652702 Purified anti-HDAC6 3575 100ug
652801 Purified anti-AIM2 1690 25ug
652802 Purified anti-AIM2 3835 100ug
652901 Purified anti-PME-1 1625 25ug
652902 Purified anti-PME-1 3575 100ug
653001 Purified anti-NF-κB p65 1365 25ug
653002 Purified anti-NF-κB p65 2925 100ug
653101 Purified anti-LEF1 1625 25ug
653102 Purified anti-LEF1 3575 100ug
700001 LEGENDScreen™ Human Cell Screening (PE) Kit 19500 4Plates

EMSA突变探针-STAT5 (1.75μM)(GS085M)

EMSA突变探针-STAT5 (1.75μM)

产品编号: GS085M




192.00 10

价格: ¥ 192.00

产品编号 产品名称 产品包装 产品价格
GS085M EMSA突变探针-STAT5 (1.75μM) 60μl 192.00元

EMSA突变探针-STAT5是用于EMSA(也称gel shift)研究的STAT5 consensus oligonucleotide的突变体。可以作为EMSA探针-STAT5的阴性对照,用于EMSA结合反应中突变探针的冷竞争反应等。
EMSA突变探针-STAT5中STAT5的公认的结合位点发生了突变,从而使STAT5无法和该突变探针结合。在探针冷竞争反应中,正常的标记探针和STAT5的结合的条带会被抑制;而在突变探针冷竞争反应(cold competition)中,正常的标记探针和STAT5的结合的条带不会被抑制。参考下图。
EMSA突变探针-STAT5 (1.75μM)(GS085M)
图1. 一个典型的EMSA/Gel- Shift分析图

产品编号 产品名称 包装
GS085M EMSA突变探针-STAT5(1.75μM) 60μl
说明书 1份


1. 用于突变探针的冷竞争反应,可以参考如下反应体系:

Nuclease-Free Water











如果使用更大体积的未标记的突变探针,Nuclease-Free Water的体积就要相应减少,使总体积保持不变。

EMSA突变探针-STAT5 (1.75μM)(GS085M)





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Description Molecular Weight (Daltons) 1 Gram 5 Gram
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, <10KDa <10KDa HA5K-1 HA5K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 10KDa-20KDa 10KDa-20KDa HA10K-1 HA10K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 21KDa-40KDa 21KDa-40KDa HA20K-1 HA20K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 41KDa-65KDa 41KDa-65KDa HA40K-1 HA40K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 66KDa-90KDa 66KDa-90KDa HA60K-1 HA60K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 91KDa-175KDa 91KDa-175KDa HA100K-1 HA100K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 176KDa-350KDa 176KDa-350KDa HA200K-1 HA200K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 351KDa-600KDa 351KDa-600KDa HA500K-1 HA500K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 601KDa-850KDa 601KDa-850KDa HA700K-1 HA700K-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 851KDa-1.19MDa 851KDa-1.19MDa HA1M-1 HA1M-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, 1.20MDa-1.80MDa 1.20MDa-1.80MDa HA15M-1 HA15M-5
Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, >1.80MDa >1.80MDa  
1% Sodium Hyaluronate Solution   82 2mL
3% Sodium Hyaluronate Solution   82 0.85mL