

产品编号: S0051




458.00 10

价格: ¥ 458.00

产品编号 产品名称 产品包装 产品价格
S0051 过氧化氢酶检测试剂盒 100次 458.00元

过氧化氢酶检测试剂盒(Catalase Assay Kit)是一种简单易行的通过显色反应来检测细胞、组织或其它样品中过氧化氢酶

产品编号 产品名称 包装
S0051-1 过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液 60ml
S0051-2 过氧化氢 (约1M) 5ml
S0051-3 过氧化氢酶反应终止液 50ml
S0051-4 显色底物 20ml
S0051-5 过氧化物酶 20μl
说明书 1份

-20℃保存,一年有效。 过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液和过氧化氢酶反应终止液也可以4℃保存。

1. 试剂盒的准备工作:
a.  配制250mM过氧化氢溶液。本试剂盒提供的过氧化氢浓度约为1M。由于过氧化氢不是非常稳定,使用前需自行测定过氧化氢的实际浓度。把浓度约为1M的过氧化氢用本试剂盒提供的过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液稀释100倍,使过氧化氢的浓度约为10mM。测定A240。A240的测定可采用如下的任一方法:
(a)普通紫外分光光度计法:使用含比色皿架的紫外分光光度计、NanoDrop 2000C、NanoDrop Oneᶜ、QuickDrop等仪器,配套石英比色皿。确定比色皿光程(path length),一般为1cm。用比色皿检测的过氧化氢浓度最接近实际浓度。
(b)微量紫外分光光度计法:如NanoDrop 2000、NanoDrop One、QuickDrop、含超微量检测板µDrop Plate的Varioskan等仪器。确定光程:对于NanoDrop 2000、NanoDrop One等,需要取消“自动化光程”,此时光程一般为0.1cm;Varioskan的超微量检测板µDrop Plate的光程一般为0.05cm。具体的微量紫外分光光度计的光程请参考仪器参数。
(c)96孔紫外酶标仪法(须能检测240nm波长):根据96孔板的参数确定光程,一般200微升样品的光程为0.552cm (样品体积除以96孔单孔孔内横截面面积)。一般建议使用专用的96孔紫外检测板(如96孔UV板),如果没有紫外检测板,也可使用一般的96孔板,但由于为非紫外检测专用板,会有非常高的紫外吸收信号,所以需要设置含等量双蒸水的孔作为空白对照(一般200μl水在该类96孔板的A240在3.8左右),计算时须减去该空白对照。在使用非紫外检测专用板的情况下,由于96孔酶标仪在240nm的检测上限有限,建议将过氧化氢稀释至约10mM左右后再进行浓度测定。
因此:过氧化氢浓度(M)=A240/(43.6×b);即:过氧化氢浓度(mM)=22.94 × A240/b
b.  配制5mM过氧化氢溶液。根据测定得到的实际过氧化氢浓度配制5mM过氧化氢溶液。
c.  配制显色工作液。在冰浴上溶解显色底物,适当分装后再使用,尽量避免反复冻融。其它试剂放置在冰浴上备用。取适当量的过氧化物酶,按照1:1000的比例用显色底物稀释,配制成显色工作液。例如取5μl过氧化物酶,加入5ml显色底物,混匀即得到5ml显色工作液。
2. 样品的准备:

样品名称 蛋白浓度 检测时的样品使用量 反应时间 A520 (空白对照-样品)
Blank 1.17 (空白对照实测值)
Human red blood cell lysate 0.2mg/ml 4μl 2min 0.46
Rat liver lysate 0.3mg/ml 7.5μl 1min 0.57
Rat kidney lysate 0.3mg/ml 7.5μl 3min 0.42
Rat spleen lysate 0.3mg/ml 7.5μl 3min 0.16
Rat brain lysate 0.3mg/ml 15μl 3min 0.021
HepG2 lysate 2.0mg/ml 3μl 3min 0.32
Jurkat lysate 2.0mg/ml 3μl 3min 0.46

a.  细胞样品的准备。可以用碧云天生产的Western及IP细胞裂解液(P0013)参考相应的说明裂解细胞样品。
b.  组织样品的准备。可以用碧云天生产的Western及IP细胞裂解液(P0013)参考相应的说明裂解组织样品。
c.  全血样品的准备。收集全血(whole blood)至一抗凝管内,颠倒混匀。取100微升全血冻融一次,用过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液稀释1000倍后进行后续检测。
d.  红细胞裂解液的准备。用抗凝管收集血液,颠倒混匀。取至少500微升全血4℃ 2500g离心5分钟。弃上清,沉淀用冰冷的生理盐水(0.9%氯化钠)洗涤3次。用约5倍细胞体积的冰冷的去离子水,例如Milli-Q纯水,重悬细胞沉淀,冰浴10分钟。使用前用过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液稀释400倍后进行后续检测。
3. 标准曲线测定:
a.  取0、12.5、25、50或75微升配制好的5mM过氧化氢溶液至1.5ml或0.5ml塑料离心管中,分别加入过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液至最后体积为100微升,混匀,此时过氧化氢溶液浓度分别为0、0.625、1.25、2.5、3.75mM。如有需要,可以设置更高浓度的过氧化氢标准溶液。
b.  各取4微升,加入到96孔板中的一个孔内。加入200μl显色工作液。25℃至少孵育15分钟后测定A520,但孵育时间不宜超过45分钟。(注:本步骤可以和样品测定步骤中的最后一步同时进行。)
4. 样品测定:

空白对照 (blank) 样品 (sample)
样品体积 0 μl x μl
过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液 40 μl 40-x μl
250mM过氧化氢溶液 10 μl 10 μl

a.  参考上表,取x微升(0-40微升)样品至1.5ml塑料离心管中,加入过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液至体积为40微升(即加入40-x微升过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液),混匀。再加入10微升250mM过氧化氢溶液,用移液器迅速混匀。参考表1,25℃反应1-5分钟。
b.  加入450微升过氧化氢酶反应终止液,颠倒混匀或Vortex混匀以终止反应。需在终止反应后15分钟内完成下面的步骤c和步骤d。
c.  在一洁净的塑料离心管内加入40微升过氧化氢酶检测缓冲液,再加入10微升已终止并混匀的上述反应体系,混匀。
d.  从上一步骤的50微升体系中取10微升加入到96孔板中的一个孔内。加入200微升显色工作液。
e.  25℃至少孵育15分钟后测定A520,但孵育时间不宜超过45分钟。
5. 样品中过氧化氢酶酶活力的计算:
a.  计算出标准曲线。A520=k[过氧化氢微摩尔数]+b,由标准曲线计算出k和b的值。标准曲线的检测效果请参考图1。
例如本说明书中的标准曲线公式为:y=70.281x +0.06,即k=70.281,b=0.06,则A520=70.281 × [过氧化氢微摩尔数]+0.06。


图1. 本过氧化氢酶检测试剂盒的标准曲线效果图。配制好的过氧化氢标准溶液(0、0.625、1.25、2.5、3.75、5mM)各取4微升,用本试剂盒进行检测,对应的微摩尔数分别为0、0.0025、0.005、0.01、0.015、0.02微摩尔。不同的检测条件下,实际读数会因检测仪器等的不同而存在差异,图中数据仅供参考。

b.  计算出样品中残余的过氧化氢微摩尔数。
c.  过氧化氢酶酶活力单位的定义:1个酶活力单位(1 unit)在25℃,pH7.0的条件下,在1分钟内可以催化分解1微摩尔过氧化氢。
d1. 对于细胞或组织样品的过氧化氢酶活力计算:
[样品过氧化氢酶酶活力]=[消耗过氧化氢微摩尔数] × [稀释倍数]/([反应分钟数] × [样品体积] × [蛋白浓度])
d2. 对于血浆等液体样品的过氧化氢酶活力计算:
[样品过氧化氢酶酶活力]=[消耗过氧化氢微摩尔数] X[稀释倍数]/([反应分钟数]X[样品体积])




1. Wang DW, Hu YL, Liu YJ, Lin ZP.
Studies on the Function of Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin Gene in Improving Sur factin Producing Rate of Bacillus subtilis.
BIOTECHNOL LETT . 2007;5:116-9. (IF 1.977)

2. He Z, Sun X, Mei G, Yu S, Li N.
Nonclassical secretion of human catalase on the surface of CHO cells is more efficient than classical secretion.
Cell Biol Int . 2008 Apr;32(4):367-73. (IF 2.571)

3. He Z, Yu S, Mei G, Zheng M, Wang M, Dai Y, Tang B, Li N.
Maternally transmitted milk containing recombinant human catalase provides protection against oxidation for mouse offspring during lactation.
FREE RADICAL BIO MED . 2008 Oct 15;45(8):1135-42. (IF 6.17)

4. Zhu M, Gu F, Shi J, Hu J, Hu Y, Zhao Z.
Increased oxidative stress and astrogliosis responses in conditional double-knockout mice of Alzheimer-like presenilin-1 and presenilin-2.
FREE RADICAL BIO MED . 2008 Nov 15;45(10):1493-9. (IF 6.17)

5. Wang XZ, Liu SS, Sun Y, Wu JY, Zhou YL, Zhang JH.
Beta-cypermethrin impairs reproductive function in male mice by inducing oxidative stress.
Theriogenology . 2009 Sep 15;72(5):599-611. (IF 2.094)

6. Qian J, Jiang F, Wang B, Yu Y, Zhang X, Yin Z, Liu C.
Ophiopogonin D prevents H2O2-induced injury in primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
J Ethnopharmacol . 2010;128(2):438-45. (IF 3.69)

7. Huang X, Zhuang J, Teng X, Li L, Chen D, Yan X, Tang F.
The promotion of human malignant melanoma growth by mesoporous silica nanoparticles through decreased reactive oxygen species.
Biomaterials . 2010;31(24):6142-53. (IF 10.317)

8. Chen Y, Chang L, Li W, Rong Z, Liu W, Shan R, Pan R.
Thioredoxin protects fetal type II epithelial cells from hyperoxia-induced injury.
PEDIATR PULM . 2010 Dec;45(12):1192-200. (IF 2.534)

9. Li W, Wu Y, Ren C, Lu Y, Gao Y, Zheng X, Zhang C.
The activity of recombinant human neuroglobin as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger.
Proteins . 2011 Jan;79(1):115-25. (IF 2.828)

10. Fan J, Yin JJ, Ning B, Wu X, Hu Y, Ferrari M, Anderson GJ, Wei J, Zhao Y, Nie G.
Direct evidence for catalase and peroxidase activities of ferritin-platinum nanoparticles.
Biomaterials . 2011 Feb;32(6):1611-8. (IF 10.317)

11. Wang J, Sun P, Bao Y, Liu J, An L.
Cytotoxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes on PC12 cells.
Toxicol In Vitro . 2011 Feb;25(1):242-50. (IF 2.959)

12. Yang L, Zheng XL, Sun H, Zhong YJ, Wang Q, He HN, Shi XW, Zhou B, Li JK, Lin Y, Zhang L, Wang X.
Catalase suppression-mediated H(2)O(2) accumulation in cancer cells by wogonin effectively blocks tumor necrosis factor-induced NF-κB activation and sensitizes apoptosis.
Cancer Sci . 2011 Apr;102(4):870-6. (IF 4.966)

13. Liu XM, Zhou Q, Xu SZ, Wakamatsu K, Lei TC.
Maintenance of immune hyporesponsiveness to melanosomal proteins by DHICA-mediated antioxidation: Possible implications for autoimmune vitiligo.
FREE RADICAL BIO MED . 2011 May 1;50(9):1177-85. (IF 6.17)

14. Min L, He S, Chen Q, Peng F, Peng H, Xie M.
Comparative proteomic analysis of cellular response of human airway epithelial cells (A549) tobenzo(a)pyrene.
TOXICOL MECH METHOD . 2011 Jun;21(5):374-82. (IF 2.295)

15. Wang S, Duan Y, Zeng Q, Zhao Z, Wang X.
[D-Ala2, D-Leu5]-Enkephalin (Dadle) Reduces Inflammation Responses after Transient Global Ischemia.
ADV MATER . 2011 Sep;345:343-48. (IF 27.398)

16. Shi X, Gu A, Ji G, Li Y, Di J, Jin J, Hu F, Long Y, Xia Y, Lu C, Song L, Wang S, Wang X.
Developmental toxicity of cypermethrin in embryo-larval stages of zebrafish.
Chemosphere . 2011 Oct;85(6):1010-6. (IF 5.778)

17. Zhou J, Li Y, Yan G, Bu Q, Lv L, Yang Y, Zhao J, Shao X, Deng Y, Zhu R, Zhao Y, Cen X.
Protective role of taurine against morphine-induced neurotoxicity in C6 cells via inhibition ofoxidative stress.
Neurotox Res . 2011 Nov;20(4):334-42. (IF 2.992)

18. Zhang Y, Fu D, Yu F, Liu Q, Yu Z.
Two catalase homologs are involved in host protection against bacterial infection and oxidative stress in Crassostrea hongkongensis.
FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN . 2011 Dec;31(6):894-903. (IF 3.298)

19. Cao L, Dai C, Li Z, Fan Z, Song Y, Wu Y, Cao Z, Li W.
Antibacterial activity and mechanism of a scorpion venom Peptide derivative in vitro and in vivo.
PLoS One . 2012;7(7):e40135. (IF 2.74)

20. Tie L, Yang HQ, An Y, Liu SQ, Han J, Xu Y, Hu M, Li WD, Chen AF, Lin ZB, Li XJ.
Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide accelerates refractory wound healing by inhibition of mitochondrial oxidativestress in type 1 diabetes.
CELL PHYSIOL BIOCHEM . 2012;29(3-4):583-94. (IF 5.5)

21. Shi H, Wang Y, Cheng Z, Ye T, Chan Z.
Analysis of natural variation in bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) reveals physiological responses underlyingdrought tolerance.
PLoS One . 2012;7(12):e53422. (IF 2.74)

22. Zhao G, Yao-Yue C, Qin GW, Guo LH.
Luteolin from Purple Perilla mitigates ROS insult particularly in primary neurons.
Neurobiol Aging . 2012 Jan;33(1):176-86. (IF 4.347)

23. Li NS, Luo XJ, Dai Z, Liu B, Zhang YS, Yang ZC, Peng J.
Beneficial effects of capsiate on ethanol-induced mucosal injury in rats are related to stimulationof calcitonin gene-related Peptide release.
Planta Med . 2012 Jan;78(1):24-30. (IF 2.687)

24. Liu JH, Qi ZM, Huang Q, Wei XL,Ke ZG, Fang YS, Tian YC, Yu ZG.
Study of energetic-particle-irradiation induced biological effect on Rhizopus oryzae through Synchrotron-FTIR micro-spectroscopy.
Journal of Molecular Structure . 2012 Jan;1031(16):1-8. (IF 2.12)

25. Wang J, Sun P, Bao Y, Dou B, Song D, Li Y.
Vitamin E renders protection to PC12 cells against oxidative damage and apoptosis induced bysingle-walled carbon nanotubes.
Toxicol In Vitro . 2012 Feb;26(1):32-41. (IF 2.959)

26. Wang H, Meng XL, Xu JP, Wang J, Wang H, Ma CW.
Production, purification, and characterization of the cecropin from Plutella xylostella, pxCECA1using an intein-induced self-cleavable system in Escherichia coli.
APPL MICROBIOL BIOT . 2012 May;94(4):1031-9. (IF 3.53)

27. Shao X, Hu Z, Hu C, Bu Q, Yan G, Deng P, Lv L, Wu D, Deng Y, Zhao J, Zhu R, Li Y, Li H, Xu Y, Yang H, Zhao Y, Cen X.
Taurine protects methamphetamine-induced developmental angiogenesis defect throughantioxidant mechanism.
TOXICOL APPL PHARM  . 2012 May 1;260(3):260-70. (IF 3.616)

28. Sun WH, Liu F, Chen Y, Zhu YC.
Hydrogen sulfide decreases the levels of ROS by inhibiting mitochondrial complex IV andincreasing SOD activities in cardiomyocytes under ischemia/reperfusion.
BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO . 2012 May 4;421(2):164-9. (IF 2.985)

29. Deng X, Wu K, Wan J, Li L, Jiang R, Jia M, Jing Y, Zhang L.
Aminotriazole attenuated carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative liver injury in mice.
Food Chem Toxicol . 2012 Jun 8;50(9):3073-8. (IF 4.679)

30. Li XC, Xing YZ, Jiang X, Qiao J,Tan HL, Zhou B.
Identification And Characterization Of The Catalase Gene Pycat From The Red Alga Pyropia Yezoensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) 1.
Journal of Phycology . 2012 Jun;48(3):664-9. (IF 2.831)

31. Liu Z, Li S, Cai Y, Wang A, He Q, Zheng C, Zhao T, Ding X, Zhou X.
Manganese superoxide dismutase induces migration and invasion of tongue squamous cell carcinoma via H2O2-dependent Snail signaling.
FREE RADICAL BIO MED . 2012 Jul 1;53(1):44-50. (IF 6.17)

32. Zhou T, Zong R, Zhang Z, Zhu C, Pan F, Xiao X, Liu Z, He H, Ma JX, Liu Z, Zhou Y.
SERPINA3K Protects against Oxidative Stress via Modulating ROS Generation/Degradation andKEAP1-NRF2 Pathway in the Corneal Epithelium.
INVEST OPHTH VIS SCI . 2012 Jul 27;53(8):5033-43. (IF 3.47)

33. Cao L, Li Z, Zhang R, Wu Y, Li W, Cao Z.
StCT2, a new antibacterial peptide characterized from the venom of the scorpion Scorpiopstibetanus.
Peptides . 2012 Aug;36(2):213-20. (IF 2.843)

34. Zheng J, Yang B, Yu Y, Chen Q, Huang T, Li D.
Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides exert anti-hyperglycemic effect on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats through affecting β-cells.
COMB CHEM HIGH T SCR . 2012 Aug;15(7):542-50. (IF 1.195)

35. Wang X, Zhang Y, Li T, Tian W, Zhang Q, Cheng Y.
Generation 9 polyamidoamine dendrimer encapsulated platinum nanoparticle mimics catalase size, shape, andcatalytic activity.
Langmuir . 2013 Apr 30;29(17):5262-70. (IF 3.557)

36. Shi H, Ye T, Wang Y, Chan Z.
Arabidopsis ALTERED MERISTEM PROGRAM 1 negatively modulates plant responses to abscisic acid anddehydration stress.
PLANT PHYSIOL BIOCH . 2013 Apr 3;67C:209-216. (IF 3.72)

37. Ren C, Li Y, Han R, Gao D, Li W, Shi J, Hoogewijs D, Braeckman BP, De Henau S, Lu Y, Qu W, Gao Y, Wu Y, Li Z, Liu H, Wang Z, Zhang C.
GLB-13 is associated with oxidative stress resistance in caenorhabditis elegans.
IUBMB Life . 2013 May;65(5):423-34. (IF 3.244)

38. Zhang H, Shao D, Wu Y, Dai B, Cai C, Fang W, Ye B, Zhang Y, liu J, Jia X.
Regulation of nodularin-induced apoptosis by epigallocatechin-3-gallate on fish lymphocytes in vitro.
FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN . 2013 May;34(5):1085-93. (IF 3.298)

39. Wang M, Wang L, Zhou Z, Gao Y, Wang L, Shi X, Gai Y, Mu C, Song L.
The molecular characterization of a catalase from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis.
Int J Immunogenet . 2013 Jun;40(3):230-40. (IF 1.13)

40. Sun P, Chen JY, Li J, Sun MR, Mo WC, Liu KL, Meng YY, Liu Y, Wang F, He RQ, Hua Q.
The protective effect of geniposide on human neuroblastoma cells in the presence of formaldehyde.
BMC COMPLEM ALTERN M . 2013 Jul 1;13:152. (IF 2.833)

41. Yu CH, Liu ZY, Sun W, Li YJ, Zhang DS, Pan RT, Sun ZL.
Effect of Danofloxacin on Reactive Oxygen Species Production, Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant EnzymeActivities in Kidney Tubular Epithelial Cell Line, LLC-PK1.
BASIC CLIN PHARMACOL . 2013 Dec;113(6):377-84. (IF 2.651)

42. He Z, Zhang X, Chen C, Wen Z, Hoopes SL, Zeldin DC, Wang DW.
Cardiomyocyte-specific expression of CYP2J2 prevents development of cardiac remodelling induced by angiotensin II.
Cardiovasc Res . 2015 Mar 1;105(3):304-17. (IF 8.168)

43. Luo C, Li Y, Yang L, Wang X, Long J, Liu J.
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles exacerbate the risks of reactive oxygen species-mediated external stresses.
Arch Toxicol . 2015 Mar;89(3):357-69. (IF 5.059)

44. Hu Y, Li R, Yang H, Luo H, Chen Z.
Sirtuin 6 is essential for sodium sulfide-mediated cytoprotective effect in ischemia/reperfusion-stimulated brain endothelial cells.
J STROKE CEREBROVASC  . 2015 Mar;24(3):601-9. (IF 1.598)

45. Chen L, Bi B, Zeng J, Zhou Y, Yang P, Guo Y, Zhu J, Yang Q, Zhu N, Liu T.
Rosiglitazone ameliorates senescence-like phenotypes in a cellular photoaging model.
J Dermatol Sci . 2015 Mar;77(3):173-81. (IF 3.681)

46. Su H, Liu DD, Zhao M, Hu WL, Xue SS, Cao Q, Le XY, Ji LN, Mao ZW.
Dual-Enzyme Characteristics of Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Capped Iridium Nanoparticles and Their Cellular Protective Effect against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Damage.
ACS APPL MATER INTER . 2015 Apr 22;7(15):8233-42. (IF 8.758)

47. Cai W, Liu W, Wang WS, Fu ZW, Han TT, Lu YT.
Overexpression of Rat Neurons Nitric Oxide Synthase in Rice Enhances Drought and Salt Tolerance.
PLoS One . 2015 Jun 29;10(6):e0131599. (IF 2.74)

48. Keogh K, Waters SM, Kelly AK, Wylie AR, Kenny DA.
Effect offeed restriction and subsequent re-alimentation on hormones and genes of the somatotropic axis in cattle.
Physiol Genomics . 2015 Jul;47(7):264-73. (IF 2.749)

49. Chen Z, Wang D, Gu C, Liu X, Pei W, Li J, Cao Y, Jiao Y, Tong J, Nie J.
Down-regulation of let-7 microRNA increased K-ras expression in lung damage induced by radon.
ENVIRON TOXICOL CHEM . 2015 Sep;40(2):541-8. (IF 3.152)

50. Dou T, Yan M, Wang X, Lu W, Zhao L, Lou D, Wu C, Chang X, Zhou Z.
Nrf2/ARE Pathway Involved in Oxidative Stress Induced by Paraquat in Human Neural Progenitor Cells.
Oxid Med Cell Longev . 2016;2016:8923860. (IF 5.076)

51. Yao C, Li G, Qian Y, Cai M, Yin H, Xiao L, Tang W, Guo F, Shi B.
Protection of Pentoxifylline against Testis Injury Induced by Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia.
Oxid Med Cell Longev . 2016;2016:3406802. (IF 5.076)

52. Sun H, Li G, An T, Zhao H, Wong PK.
Unveiling the photoelectrocatalytic inactivation mechanism of Escherichia coli: Convincing evidence from responses of parent and anti-oxidation single gene knockout mutants.
Water Res . 2016 Jan 1;88:135-43. (IF 9.13)

53. Jiao Y, Ma S, Wang Y, Li J, Shan L, Liu Q, Liu Y, Song Q, Yu F, Yu H, Liu H, Huang L, Chen J.
N-Acetyl Cysteine Depletes Reactive Oxygen Species and Prevents Dental Monomer-Induced IntrinsicMitochondrial Apoptosis In Vitro in Human Dental Pulp Cells.
PLoS One . 2016 Jan 25;11(1):e0147858. (IF 2.74)

54. Liu Z, Gan L, Chen Y, Luo D, Zhang Z, Cao W, Zhou Z, Lin X, Sun C.
Mark4 promotes oxidative stress and inflammation via binding to PPARγ and activating
SCI REP-UK . 2016 Feb 18;6:21382. (IF 3.998)

55. Chen W, Su H, Xu Y, Bao T, Zheng X.
Protective effect of wild raspberry (Rubus hirsutus Thunb.) extract against acrylamide-induced oxidative damage is potentiated after simulated gastrointestinal digestion.
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56. Lin J, Zou Y, Cao K, Ma C, Chen Z.
The impact of heterologous catalase expression and superoxide dismutase overexpression on enhancingthe oxidative resistance in Lactobacillus casei.
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58. Wang J, Chen X, Wang F, Zhang J, Li P, Li Z, Xu J, Gao F, Jin C, Tian H, Zhang J, Li W, Lu L, Xu GT.
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59. Wang M, Zhao X, Xiao Z, Yin X, Xing T, Xia G.
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65. Hou B, Qiang G, Zhao Y, Yang X, Chen X, Yan Y, Wang X, Liu C, Zhang L, Du G.
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66. Chen W, Su H, Xu Y, Jin C.
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71. Zhu Z, Fan X, Pan Y, Lu Y, Zeng W.
Trehalose improves rabbit sperm quality during cryopreservation.
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72. Meng J, Lv Z, Qiao X, Li X, Li Y, Zhang Y, Chen C.
The decay of Redox-stress Response Capacity is a substantive characteristic of aging: Revising the redox theory of aging.
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73. Han X, Xue X, Zhao Y, Li Y, Liu W, Zhang J, Fan S.
Rutin-Enriched Extract from Coriandrum sativum L. Ameliorates Ionizing Radiation-InducedHematopoietic Injury.
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74. Zhang GM, Deng MT, Lei ZH, Wan YJ, Nie HT, Wang ZY, Fan YX, Wang F, Zhang YL.
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75. Zhang L, Xu Y, Li Y, Bao T, Gowd V, Chen W.
Protective property of mulberry digest against oxidative stress-A potential approach to ameliorate dietary acrylamide-induced cytotoxicity.
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76. Feng M, Yin H, Peng H, Liu Z, Lu G, Dang Z.
Hexavalent chromium induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in Pycnoporus sanguineus.
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77. Gao Y, Zhang J, Liu Y, Zhang S, Wang Y, Liu B, Liu H, Li R, Lv C, Song X.
Regulation of TERRA on telomeric and mitochondrial functions in IPF pathogenesis.
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78. Wang M, Wang L, Jia Z, Wang X, Yi Q, Zhao L, Song L.
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79. Zhang S,Huang Q,Wang Q,Wang Q,Cao X,Zhao L,Xu N,Zhuge Z,Mao J,Fu X,Liu R,Wilcox CS,Patzak A,Li L,Lai EY
Enhanced Renal Afferent Arteriolar Reactive Oxygen Species and Contractility to Endothelin-1 Are Associated with Canonical Wnt Signaling in Diabetic Mice.
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80. Tao J, Xu J, Chen F, Xu B, Gao J, Hu Y.
Folate acid-Cyclodextrin/Docetaxel induces apoptosis in KB cells via the intrinsic mitochondrialpathway and displays antitumor activity in vivo.
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81. Dai J,Gu L,Su Y,Wang Q,Zhao Y,Chen X,Deng H,Li W,Wang G,Li K
Inhibition of curcumin on influenza A virus infection and influenzal pneumonia via oxidative stress, TLR2/4, p38/JNK MAPK and NF-κB pathways.
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82. Wu H,Li F,Wang S,Lu J,Li J,Du Y,Sun X,Chen X,Gao J,Ling D
Ceria nanocrystals decorated mesoporous silica nanoparticle based ROS-scavenging tissue adhesive for highly efficient regenerative wound healing.
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83. Tao J,Xu J,Chen F,Xu B,Gao J,Hu Y
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84. Wang L,Wang F,Liu S,Yang X,Yang J,Ming D
VEGF attenuates 2-VO induced cognitive impairment and neuronal injury associated with the activation of PI3K/Akt and Notch1 pathway.
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85. Wang N, Zhang J, Qin M, Yi W, Yu S, Chen Y, Guan J, Zhang R.
Amelioration of streptozotocin induced pancreatic β cell damage by morin: Involvement of the AMPK FOXO3 catalase signaling pathway.
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86. Wang J, Zhang J, Chen X, Yang Y, Wang F, Li W, Awuti M, Sun Y, Lian C, Li Z, Wang M, Xu JY, Jin C, Tian H, Gao F, Zhang J, Sinha D, Lu L, Xu GT.
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87. Wang N,Zhang J,Qin M,Yi W,Yu S,Chen Y,Guan J,Zhang R
Amelioration of streptozotocin‑induced pancreatic β cell damage by morin: Involvement of the AMPK‑FOXO3‑catalase signaling pathway.
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88. Zang Y,Liu J,Tang XX,Zhou B
Description of a Zostera marina catalase gene involved in responses to temperature stress.
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89. Ren C,Hu X,Zhou Q
Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots Reduce Oxidative Stress and Inhibit Neurotoxicity In Vitro and In Vivo through Catalase-Like Activity and Metabolic Regulation.
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90. Lu QB, Wan MY, Wang PY, Zhang CX, Xu DY, Liao X, Sun HJ.
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92. Ma TJ,Lan DH,He SZ,Ye Z,Li P,Zhai W,Chen WQ,Huang Y,Fu Y,Sun A,Wang YB,Ye Z,Li JL,Gao Y,Yan XL,Li ZH
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93. Feng M, Yin H, Cao Y, Peng H, Lu G, Liu Z, Dang Z.
Cadmium-induced stress response of Phanerochaete chrysosporium duringthe biodegradation of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47).
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94. Chen Y,Wang B,Zhao H
Thymoquinone reduces spinal cord injury by inhibiting inflammatory response, oxidative stress and apoptosis via PPAR-γ and PI3K/Akt pathways.
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95. Dong Z,Yuan Y
Accelerated inflammation and oxidative stress induced by LPS in acute lung injury: Ιnhibition by ST1926.
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96. Zhang X,Li J,Cheng Y,Yi J,Liu X,Cheng W
Downregulation of CUEDC2 prevents doxorubicin‑induced cardiotoxicity in H9c2 cells.
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97. Su T,Wang P,Li H,Zhao Y,Lu Y,Dai P,Ren T,Wang X,Li X,Shao Q,Zhao D,Zhao Y,Ma C
The Arabidopsis catalase triple mutant reveals important roles of catalases and peroxisome-derived signaling in plant development.
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98. Zou MZ,Liu WL,Li CX,Zheng DW,Zeng JY,Gao F,Ye JJ,Zhang XZ
A Multifunctional Biomimetic Nanoplatform for Relieving Hypoxia to Enhance Chemotherapy and Inhibit the PD-1/PD-L1 Axis.
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99. Wang Y,Chen G,Yan J,Chen X,He F,Zhu C,Zhang J,Lin J,Pan G,Yu J,Pei M,Yang H,Liu T
Upregulation of SIRT1 by Kartogenin Enhances Antioxidant Functions and Promotes Osteogenesis in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
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100. Ding W,Zhao Y,Xu JW,Zhao P,Li T,Ma H,Reiter RJ,Yu X
Melatonin: A Multifunctional Molecule That Triggers Defense Responses against High Light and Nitrogen Starvation Stress in Haematococcus pluvialis.
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101. Xue J,Gu H,Liu D,Ma W,Wei X,Zhao L,Liu Y,Zhang C,Yuan Z
Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in retinoic acid-induced spina bifida aperta in rat fetuses.
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102. Chen L,Zhang J,Li C,Wang Z,Li J,Zhao D,Wang S,Zhang H,Huang Y,Guo X
Glycine Transporter-1 and glycine receptor mediate the antioxidant effect of glycine in diabetic rat islets and INS-1 cells.
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103. Fu Y,Wu HQ,Cui HL,Li YY,Li CZ
Gastroprotective and anti-ulcer effects of oxymatrine against several gastric ulcer models in rats: Possible roles of antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and prosurvival mechanisms.
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104. Wang XX,Zhang TY,Dao GH,Hu HY
Tolerance and resistance characteristics of microalgae Scenedesmus sp. LX1 to methylisothiazolinone.
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105. Li M,Wang S,Li X,Jiang L,Wang X,Kou R,Wang Q,Xu L,Zhao N,Xie K
Diallyl sulfide protects against lipopolysaccharide/d-galactosamine-induced acute liver injury by inhibiting oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in mice.
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106. Li W,Ji M,Lin Y,Miao Y,Chen S,Li H
DEPP/DEPP1/C10ORF10 regulates hepatic glucose and fat metabolism partly via ROS-induced FGF21.
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107. Yang Y,Gao J,Zhang Y,Xu W,Hao Y,Xu Z,Tao L
Natural pyrethrins induce autophagy of HepG2 cells through the activation of AMPK/mTOR pathway.
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108. Zhou L,Yu M,Arshad M,Wang W,Lu Y,Gong J,Gu Y,Li P,Xu L
Coordination Among Lipid Droplets, Peroxisomes, and Mitochondria Regulates Energy Expenditure Through the CIDE-ATGL-PPARα Pathway in Adipocytes.
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109. Lv Y,Cheng X,Wu D,Du G,Zhou J,Chen J
Improving bioconversion of eugenol to coniferyl alcohol by in situ eliminating harmful H2O2.

110. Zhang D,Li Y,Zhang T,Liu J,Jahejo AR,Yang L,Chen P,Ning G,Huo N,Ma H,Yan F,Tian W
Protective effects of zinc and N-acetyl-L-cysteine supplementation against cadmium induced erythrocyte cytotoxicity in Arbor Acres broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus).
ECOTOX ENVIRON SAFE. 2018 Nov 15; (IF 4.872)

111. Wang XX,Zhang TY,Dao GH,Hu HY
Interaction between 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one and microalgae: Growth inhibition and detoxification mechanism.
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112. Xu S,Zhao X,Liu F,Cao Y,Wang B,Wang X,Yin M,Wang Q,Feng X
Crucial role of oxidative stress in bactericidal effect of parthenolide against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae.
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113. Wu Z,Wang Y,Meng X,Wang X,Li Z,Qian S,Wei Y,Shu L,Ding Y,Wang P,Peng Y
Total C-21 steroidal glycosides, isolated from the root tuber of Cynanchum auriculatum Royle ex Wight, attenuate hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative injury and inflammation in L02 cells.
Int J Mol Med . 2018 Dec;42(6):3157-3170. (IF 3.098)

114. Liang Z,Yuan Z,Li G,Fu F,Shan Y
Hypolipidemic, Antioxidant, and Antiapoptotic Effects of Polysaccharides Extracted from Reishi Mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (Leysser: Fr) Karst, in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet.
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115. Wang Z,Zhou Y,Yu Y,He K,Cheng LM
Lipopolysaccharide preconditioning increased the level of regulatory B cells in the spleen after acute ischaemia/reperfusion in mice.
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116. Li YJ,Li P,Wang T,Zhang FJ,Huang XX,Hou BK
The maize secondary metabolism glycosyltransferase UFGT2 modifies flavonols and contributes to plant acclimation to abiotic stresses.
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117. Ren C,Wu H,Li D,Yang Y,Gao Y,Jizhang Y,Liu D,Ji X,Zhang X
Remote Ischemic Conditioning Protects Diabetic Retinopathy in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats via Anti-Inflammation and Antioxidation.
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118. Xu N,Wang Q,Jiang S,Wang Q,Hu W,Zhou S,Zhao L,Xie L,Chen J,Wellstein A,Lai EY
Fenofibrate improves vascular endothelial function and contractility in diabetic mice.
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119. Zhuang S,Zhong J,Bian Y,Fan Y,Chen Q,Liu P,Liu Z
Rhein ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced intestinal barrier injury via modulation of Nrf2 and MAPKs.
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120. Jiang L,Guo YJ,Zhang F,Zhang YY,McCook LJ,Yuan XC,Lei XM,Zhou GW,Guo ML,Cai L,Lian JS,Qian PY,Huang H
Diurnally Fluctuating pCO2 Modifies the Physiological Responses of Coral Recruits Under Ocean Acidification.
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121. Chen X,Yin H,Li G,Wang W,Wong PK,Zhao H,An T
Antibiotic-resistance gene transfer in antibiotic-resistance bacteria under different light irradiation: Implications from oxidative stress and gene expression.
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122. Pan X,Song X,Wang C,Cheng T,Luan D,Xu K,Tang B
H2Se Induces Reductive Stress in HepG2 Cells and Activates Cell Autophagy by Regulating the Redox of HMGB1 Protein under Hypoxia.
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123. Zhang C,Yang Y,Liang W,Wang T,Wang S,Wang X,Wang Y,Jiang H,Feng H
Neuroprotection by urate on the mutant hSOD1-related cellular and Drosophila models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Implication for GSH synthesis via activating Akt/GSK3β/Nrf2/GCLC pathways.
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124. Zhang H,Chen Y,Pei Z,Gao H,Shi W,Sun M,Xu Q,Zhao J,Meng W,Xiao K
Protective effects of polydatin against sulfur mustard-induced hepatic injury.
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125. Zhang J,Yue X,Luo H,Jiang W,Mei Y,Ai L,Gao G,Wu Y,Yang H,An J,Ding S,Yang X,Sun B,Luo W,He R,Jia J,Lyu J,Tong Z
Illumination with 630 nm Red Light Reduces Oxidative Stress and Restores Memory by Photo-Activating Catalase and Formaldehyde Dehydrogenase in SAMP8 Mice.
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126. Quan XJ,Liang CL,Sun MZ,Zhang L,Li XL
Overexpression of steroid receptor coactivators alleviates hyperglycemia-induced endothelial cell injury in rats through activating the PI3K/Akt pathway.
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127. Yue X,Zhang G,Zhao Z,Yue J,Pu X,Sui M,Zhan Y,Shi Y,Wang Z,Meng G,Zhao Z,An L
A Cryophyte Transcription Factor, CbABF1, Confers Freezing, and Drought Tolerance in Tobacco.
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128. Zhu Z,Li R,Lv Y,Zeng W
Melatonin protects rabbit spermatozoa from cryo-damage via decreasing oxidative stress.
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129. Xu X,Huang L,Zhang Z,Tong J,Mi J,Wu Y,Zhang C,Yan H
Targeting non-oncogene ROS pathway by alantolactone in B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells.
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130. Tang Y,Bao X,Wang S,Liu Y,Tan J,Yang M,Zhang M,Dai R,Yu X
A Physic Nut Stress-Responsive HD-Zip Transcription Factor, JcHDZ07, Confers Enhanced Sensitivity to Salinity Stress in Transgenic Arabidopsis.
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131. Wu J,Pan W,Wang C,Dong H,Xing L,Hou J,Fang S,Li H,Yang F,Yu B
H2S attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress in hypoxia-induced pulmonary artery hypertension.
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132. Li Y,Zhang J,Liu H,Yuan J,Yin Y,Wang T,Cheng B,Sun S,Guo Z
Curcumin ameliorates glyoxylate-induced calcium oxalate deposition and renal injuries in mice.
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133. Zhou Y,Song L,Ni S,Zhang Y,Zhang S
Administration of rGDF11 retards the aging process in male mice via action of anti-oxidant system.
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134. Xiao X,Cheng Y,Song D,Li X,Hu Y,Lu Z,Wang F,Wang Y
Selenium-enriched Bacillus paralicheniformis SR14 attenuates H2O2-induced oxidative damage in porcine jejunum epithelial cells via the MAPK pathway.
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135. Yuan Y,Chen Y,Peng T,Li L,Zhu W,Liu F,Liu S,An X,Luo R,Cheng J,Liu J,Lu Y
Mitochondrial ROS-induced lysosomal dysfunction impairs autophagic flux and contributes to M1 macrophage polarization in a diabetic condition.
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136. Jiang C,Qi Z,He W,Li Z,Tang Y,Wang Y,Huang Y,Zang H,Yang H,Liu J
Dynamically enhancing plaque targeting via a positive feedback loop using multifunctional biomimetic nanoparticles for plaque regression.
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137. Lin H,Zhang J,Ni T,Lin N,Meng L,Gao F,Luo H,Liu X,Chi J,Guo H
Yellow Wine Polyphenolic Compounds prevents Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity through activation of the Nrf2 signalling pathway.
J Cell Mol Med. 2019 Sep;23(9):6034-6047. (IF 4.486)

138. Zhu Z,Li R,Fan X,Lv Y,Zheng Y,Hoque SAM,Wu,Zeng W
Resveratrol Improves Boar Sperm Quality via 5’AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Activation during Cryopreservation.
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139. Mo JL,Pan ZG,Chen X,Lei Y,Lv LL,Qian C,Sun FY
MicroRNA-365 Knockdown Prevents Ischemic Neuronal Injury by Activating Oxidation Resistance 1-Mediated Antioxidant Signals.
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140. Fang J,Zhao X,Li S,Xing X,Wang H,Lazarovici P,Zheng W
Protective mechanism of artemisinin on rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells against apoptosis induced by hydrogen peroxide via activation of c-Raf-Erk1/2-p90rsk-CREB pathway.
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141. Zhang C,Liang W,Wang H,Yang Y,Wang T,Wang S,Wang X,Wang Y,Feng H
γ-Oryzanol mitigates oxidative stress and prevents mutant SOD1-Related neurotoxicity in Drosophila and cell models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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142. Sha Luo,Jie Yin,Yang Peng,Jing Xie,Hetao Wu,Donglan He,Xiaohua Li,Guojun Cheng
Glutathione is Involved in Detoxification of Peroxide and Root Nodule Symbiosis of Mesorhizobium huakuii
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143. Xin Wang,Yanan Zhang,Shuai Han,Hongshen Chen,Chen Chen,Lingling Ji,Bihu Gao
Overexpression of miR‑30c‑5p reduces cellular cytotoxicity and inhibits the formation of kidney stones through ATG5
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144. Jiang H,Li R,Zhang Z,Chang C,Liu Y,Liu Z,He Q,Wang Q
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145. Wei Y,Liu W,Hu W,Yan Y,Shi H
The chaperone MeHSP90 recruits MeWRKY20 and MeCatalase1 to regulate drought stress resistance in cassava.
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146. Hongmei Jiang,Ruobi Li,Zhen Zhang,Chong Chang,Ye Liu,Ziqi Liu,Qianmei He,Qing Wang
Retinoid X receptor α (RXRα)-mediated erythroid-2-related factor-2 (NRF2) inactivation contributes to N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)-induced oxidative stress in HL-7702 and HuH6 cells
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Anti-oxidative effect of mangiferin-chitosan nanoparticles on oxidative stress-induced renal cells
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148. Wenjin Guo,Juxiong Liu,Jingxuan Sun,Qian Gong,He Ma,Xingchi Kan,Yu Cao,Jianfa Wang,Shoupeng Fu
Butyrate alleviates oxidative stress by regulating NRF2 nuclear accumulation and H3K9/14 acetylation via GPR109A in bovine mammary epithelial cells and mammary glands
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149. Song Zhou,Yunjing Sun,Kai Zhao,Yanzhou Gao,Jiangman Cui,Liping Qi,Lingfang Huang
miR‑21/PTEN pathway mediates the cardioprotection of geniposide against oxidized low‑density lipoprotein‑induced endothelial injury via suppressing oxidative stress and inflammatory response
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