

产品编号: GS009




1568.00 10

价格: ¥ 1568.00

产品编号 产品名称 产品包装 产品价格
GS009 化学发光法EMSA试剂盒 100次 1568.00元

化学发光法EMSA试剂盒(Chemiluminescent EMSA Kit)是一种通过Streptavidin-HRP及后续的BeyoECL Moon试剂来实现化学发光检测Biotin标记的EMSA探针的检测试剂盒。同时本试剂盒也提供了EMSA检测所需的结合缓冲液和上样缓冲液,及一些关键的相关试剂,可以实现非同位素的EMSA检测。
本试剂盒采用了高质量的Streptavidin-HRP Conjugate,HRP和Streptavidin共价交联的比例大于3,这样比采用
Streptavidin和Biotin-HRP conjugate两种试剂进行检测要更方便,并且灵敏度更高。

产品编号 产品名称 包装
GS009-1 EMSA/Gel-Shift结合缓冲液(5X) 200μl
GS009-2 EMSA/Gel-Shift上样缓冲液(无色,10X) 200μl
GS009-3 EMSA/Gel-Shift上样缓冲液(蓝色,10X) 200μl
GS009-4 BeyoECL Moon A液 55ml
GS009-5 BeyoECL Moon B液 55ml
GS009-6 Streptavidin-HRP Conjugate 100μl
GS009-7 封闭液 380ml
GS009-8 洗涤液(5X) 250ml
GS009-9 检测平衡液 250ml
说明书 1份

BeyoECL Moon A液和B液均对人体有害,操作时请小心,并注意有效防护以避免直接接触人体或吸入体内。

1. 探针的标记:
可以直接选购碧云天的生物素标记EMSA探针,或使用碧云天生 产的EMSA探针生物素标记试剂盒 (GS008)或其它合适的试剂盒进行EMSA探针的生物素标记。
2. 探针的纯化和检测:
碧云天的各种生物素标记EMSA探针都已经过纯化,可以直接使用;对于使用碧云天的EMSA探针生物素标记试剂盒(GS008)等试剂盒标记的EMSA探针,通常 为实验简便起见,可以不必纯化标记好的探针。有些时候,纯化后的探针会改善EMSA的电泳结果。详细的探针纯化和探针的标记效率的检测请参考EMSA探针生物素标记试剂盒的相关说明。
3. EMSA胶的配制:
a.准备好倒胶的模具。可以使用常规的制备蛋白电泳胶的模具(例如BioRad的常规用于蛋白电泳的制胶装置),或其它适当的模具。最好选择可以灌制较薄 胶的模具,以便于干胶等后续操作。为得到更好的结果,可以选择可灌制较大EMSA胶的模具。制胶前必须把制胶模具冲洗干净,需特别注意不能有SDS残留。
b.按照如下配方配制20ml 4%的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶(注意:使用29:1等不同比例的Acr/Bis对结果影响不大)。

TBE buffer(10X) 1ml
重蒸水 16.2ml
39:1 acrylamide/bisacrylamide(40%,w/v) 2ml
80% 甘油 625μl
10% 过硫酸铵(ammonium persulfate) 150μl
TEMED 10μl

c.按照上述顺序依次加入各种试剂,加入TEMED前先混匀,加入TEMED后立即混匀,并马上加入到制胶的模具中。避免产生气泡,并加上梳 齿。如果发现非常容易形成气泡,可以把一块制胶的玻璃板进行硅烷化处理。
4. EMSA结合反应:

Nuclease-Free Water 7μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 0μl
标记好的探针 1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 5μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
标记好的探针 1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 4μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
未标记的探针 1μl
标记好的探针 1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 4μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
未标记的突变探针 1μl
标记好的探针 1μl
总体积 10μl
Nuclease-Free Water 4μl
EMSA/Gel-Shift结合缓冲液(5X) 2μl
细胞核蛋白或纯化的转录因子 2μl
目的蛋白特异抗体 1μl
标记好的探针 1μl
总体积 10μl

b.按照上述顺序依次加入各种试剂,在加入标记好的探针前先混匀,并且室温(20-25℃)放置10分钟,从而消除可能发生的探针和蛋白的 非特异性结合,或者让冷探针优先反应。然后加入标记好的探针,混匀,室温(20-25℃)放置20分钟。
c.加入1μl EMSA/Gel-Shift上样缓冲液(无色,10X),混 匀后立即上样。注意:有些时候溴 酚蓝会影响蛋白和DNA的结合,建议尽量使用无色的EMSA/Gel-Shift上样缓冲液。如果对于使用无色上样缓冲液在上样时感觉到无法上样,可以在无色上样缓冲液里面添加极少量的蓝色的上样缓冲液,至可以观察到蓝颜色即可。
a.用0.5XTBE作为电泳液。按照10V/厘米的电压预电泳10分钟。预电泳的时候如果有空余的上样孔,可以加入少量稀释 好的1X的EMSA上样缓冲液(蓝色),以观察电压是否正常进行。
6. 转膜:
7. 交联:
a.用紫外交联仪(UV-light cross-linker)选择254nm紫外波长,120mJ/cm2,交联45-60秒。如果没有紫外交联仪可以使用普通的手提式紫外灯(例如碧云天的手提紫外检测仪(EUV002)),距离膜5-10厘米左右照射3-10分钟。也可以使用超净工作台内的紫外灯,距离膜5-10厘米左右照射3-15分钟。最佳的交联时间可以使用标准品自行摸索。
b.交联完毕后,可以直接进入下一步检测;也可以用保鲜膜包裹后在室温干燥处存放3-5天,然后再进入下一步检测。如果检测结果发现交联效果不佳,甚至连free probe的条带都非常微弱,可以考虑在膜干燥后参考步骤A的条件再交联一次,以进一步改善交联效果。
8. 化学发光法检测生物素标记的探针:
a.37-50℃水浴溶解封闭液和洗涤液。注意: 封闭液和洗涤液必须完全溶解后方可使用,封闭液和洗涤液可以在室温至50℃之间使用,但必须确保这两种溶液中均无沉淀产生,在冬天需特别注意。
c.取7.5μl Streptavidin-HRP Conjugate加入到15ml封闭液中(1:2000稀释),混匀备用。
d.去除用于尼龙膜封闭的封闭液,加入上一步中配制的15ml含有Streptavidin-HRP Conjugate的封闭液。在侧摆摇床或水平摇床上缓慢摇动15分钟。
h.重复步骤G 三次(共洗涤四次),每次洗涤时间都约为5分钟。
j.取5ml BeyoECL Moon A液和5ml BeyoECL Moon B液混匀,配制成BeyoECL Moon工作液。
注意:BeyoECL Moon工作液必须现配现用。说明:从本步骤起操作方法和注意事项同Western实验的荧光检测。
l.在尼龙膜的表面小心加上步骤J配制好的共10ml BeyoECL Moon工作液,使工作液完全覆盖尼龙膜。室温放置2-3分钟。




1. Wang X, Li C, Chen Y, Hao Y, Zhou W, Chen C, Yu Z.
Hypoxia enhances CXCR4 expression favoring microglia migration via HIF-1alpha activation.
BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO . 2008 Jun 27;371(2):283-8. (IF 2.985)

2. Zhang L, Chen W, Li X.
A novel anticancer effect of butein: inhibition of invasion through the ERK1/2 and B NF-kappa signaling pathways in bladder cancer cells.
FEBS Lett . 2008 Jun 11;582(13):1821-8. (IF 3.057)

3. Wei Y, Weng D, Li F, Zou X, Young DO, Ji J, Shen P.
Involvement of JNK regulation in oxidative stress-mediated murine liver injury by microcystin-LR.
Apoptosis . 2008 Aug;13(8):1031-42. (IF 4.543)

4. Mao XM, Zhou Z, Cheng LY, Hou XP, Guan WJ, Li YQ.
Involvement of SigT and RstA in the differentiation of Streptomyces coelicolor.
FEBS Lett . 2009 Oct 6;583(19):3145-50. (IF 3.057)

5. Lu J, Zhao J, Liu K, Zhao J, Yang H, Huang Y, Qin Z, Bai R, Li P, Ma J, Yan W, Zhao M,Dong Z.
MAPK/ERK1/2 signaling mediates endothelial-like differentiation of immature DCs in themicroenvironment of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Cell Mol Life Sci . 2010 Jun;67(12):2091-106. (IF 6.496)

6. Ding RY, Zhao DM, Zhang ZD, Guo RX, Ma XC
Pretreatment of Rho kinase inhibitor inhibits systemic inflammation and prevents endotoxin-induced acute lung injury in mice.
J Surg Res . 2011 Dec;171(2):e209-14. (IF 1.841)

7. Xu J, Wang B, Xu Y, Sun L, Tian W, Shukla D, Barod R, Grillari J, Grillari-Voglauer R,Maxwell PH, Esteban MA.
Epigenetic regulation ofHIF-1α in renal cancer cells involves HIF-1α/2α binding to a reversehypoxia-response element.
Oncogene . 2012 Feb 23;31(8):1065-72. (IF 7.971)

8. Gu L, Liang X, Wang L, Yan Y, Ni Z, Dai H, Gao J, Mou S, Wang Q, Chen X, Wang L, Qian J.
Functional metabotropic glutamate receptors 1 and 5 are expressed in murine podocytes.
Kidney Int . 2012 Mar;81(5):458-68. (IF 8.945)

9. Liu SS, Zheng HX, Jiang HD, He J, Yu Y, Qu YP, Yue L, Zhang Y, Li Y.
Identification and characterization of a novel gene, c1orf109, encoding a CK2 substrate that isinvolved in cancer cell proliferation.
J Biomed Sci . 2012 May 1;19(1):49. (IF 5.762)

10. Li F, Li C, Zhang H, Lu Z, Li Z, You Q, Lu N, Guo Q
VI-14, a novel flavonoid derivative, inhibits migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells.
TOXICOL APPL PHARM  . 2012 Jun 1;261(2):217-26. (IF 3.616)

11. Zhao J, Liu K, Lu J, Ma J, Zhang X, Jiang Y, Yang H, Jin G, Zhao G, Zhao M, Dong Z.
Alternariol induces DNA polymerase β expression through the PKA-CREB signaling pathway.
Int J Oncol . 2012 Jun;40(6):1923-8. (IF 3.899)

12. Peng X, Wang Y, Kolli S, Deng J, Li L, Wang Z, Raj JU, Gou D.
Physical and functional interaction between the ID1 and p65 for activation of NFκB.
AM J PHYSIOL-CELL PH . 2012 Aug 1;303(3):C267-77. (IF 3.485)

13. Chen FH, Lu N, Zhang HW, Zhao L, He LC, Sun HP, You QD, Li ZY, Guo QL.
LYG-202 augments tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis via attenuating casein kinase 2-dependent nuclearfactor-κB pathway in HepG2 cells.
Mol Pharmacol . 2012 Nov;82(5):958-71. (IF 3.664)

14. Yu Q, Shen XH, Li Y, Li RJ, Li J, Luo YY, Liu SF, Deng MY, Pei MF, Zhang GS.
An intron mutation in the ACVRL1 may be associated with a transcriptional regulation defect in a Chinese family with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
PLoS One . 2013;8(2):e58031. (IF 2.74)

15. Qi-Hui Jin,Hong-Xia Shen,Hui Wang,Qi-Yang Shou,Qiang Liu
Curcumin improves expression of SCF/c-kit through attenuating oxidative stress and NF-κB activation in gastric tissues of diabetic gastroparesis rats
Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2013 Mar 1;5(1):12.;doi: 10.1186/1758-5996-5-12. (IF 2.709)

16. Sun J,Fan L, Li M, Zhang Y, Cheng N.
Decreasing Pin1 suppresses telomerase activity by NF-κB in HCT116 cells colorectal carcinoma.
《中德临床肿瘤学杂志》 . 2013 April;12(4):181-7 .

17. Li K, Dan Z, Hu X, Ouzhu M, Ciren Y, Wang Z, Wang J, Yang X, Ze Y.
CD14 overexpression upregulates TNF-α-mediated inflammatory responses and suppresses the malignancy ofgastric carcinoma cells.
Mol Cell Biochem . 2013 Apr;376(1-2):137-43. (IF 2.795)

18. Zhu L, Zhao L, Wang H, Wang Y, Pan D, Yao J, Li Z, Wu G, Guo Q.
Oroxylin A reverses P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance of MCF7/ADR cells by G2/M arrest.
Toxicol Lett . 2013 May 23;219(2):107-15. (IF 3.569)

19. Wu WY, Wang WY, Ma YL, Yan H, Wang XB, Qin YL, Su M, Chen T, Wang YP.
Sodium tanshinone IIA silate inhibits oxygen-glucose deprivation/recovery-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis viasuppression of the NF-κB/TNF-α pathway.
BRIT J PHARMACOL . 2013 Jul;169(5):1058-71. (IF 7.73)

20. Song X, Yao J, Wang F, Zhou M, Zhou Y, Wang H, Wei L, Zhao L, Li Z, Lu N, Guo Q.
Wogonin inhibits tumor angiogenesis via degradation of HIF-1α protein.
TOXICOL APPL PHARM  . 2013 Sep 1;271(2):144-55. (IF 3.616)

21. Yan S, Fu Q, Zhou Y, Zhang N, Zhou Q, Wang X, Yuan Z, Wang X, Du J, Zhang J, Zhan L.
Establishment of stable reporter expression for in vivo imaging of nuclear factor-κB activation in mouse liver.
Theranostics . 2013 Oct 15;3(11):841-50. (IF 8.579)

22. Wang G, Xiu P, Li F, Xin C, Li K.
Vitamin A supplementation alleviates extrahepatic cholestasis liver injury through Nrf2 activation.
Oxid Med Cell Longev . 2014;2014:273692. (IF 5.076)

23. Yao J, Hu R, Sun J, Lin B, Zhao L, Sha Y, Zhu B, You QD, Yan T, Guo QL.
Oroxylin A prevents inflammation-related tumor through down-regulation of inflammatory gene expression byinhibiting NF-κB signaling.
MOL CARCINOGEN . 2014 Feb;53(2):145-58. (IF 3.825)

24. Li X, Jiang J, Shi S, Bligh SW, Li Y, Jiang Y, Huang D, Ke Y, Wang S.
A RG-II type polysaccharide purified from Aconitum coreanum alleviates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation by inhibiting the NF-κB signal pathway.
PLoS One . 2014 Jun 13;9(6):e99697. (IF 2.74)

25. Fang L, Xu Z, Wang GS, Ji FY, Mei CX, Liu J, Wu GM.
Directed evolution of an LBP/CD14 inhibitory peptide and its anti-endotoxin activity.
PLoS One . 2014 Jul 15;9(7):e101406. (IF 2.74)

26. Zhao K, Song X, Huang Y, Yao J, Zhou M, Li Z, You Q, Guo Q, Lu N.
Wogonin inhibits LPS-induced tumor angiogenesis via suppressing PI3K/Akt/NF-κB signaling.
Eur J Pharmacol . 2014 Aug 15;737:57-69. (IF 3.263)

27. Yao LL, Liao CH, Huang G, Zhou Y, Rigali S, Zhang B, Ye BC.
GlnR-mediated regulation of nitrogen metabolism in the actinomycete Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
APPL MICROBIOL BIOT . 2014 Sep;98(18):7935-48. (IF 3.53)

28. Liao C, Rigali S, Cassani CL, Marcellin E, Nielsen LK, Ye BC.
Control of chitin and N-acetylglucosamine utilization in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
Microbiology . 2014 Sep;160(Pt 9):1914-28. (IF 1.027)

29. Xu X, Zhang Y, Li W, Miao H, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Li Z, You Q, Guo Q, Zhao L.
Wogonin Reverses Multi-Drug Resistance of Human myelogenous leukemia K562/A02 cells via Downregulation of MRP1 Expression by Inhibiting Nrf2/ARE Signaling Pathway.
Biochem Pharmacol . 2014 Nov 15;92(2):220-34. (IF 4.96)

30. Li X, Miao H, Zhang Y, Li W, Li Z, Zhou Y, Zhao L, Guo Q.
Bone marrow microenvironment confers imatinib resistance to chronic myelogenous leukemia and oroxylin A reverses the resistance by suppressing Stat3 pathway.
Arch Toxicol . 2015 Jan;89(1):121-36. (IF 5.059)

31. Fang Y, Chai Z, Wang D, Kuang T, Wu W, Lou W.
DNA-PKcs deficiency sensitizes the human hepatoma HepG2 cells to cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil through suppression of the PI3K/Akt/NF-κB pathway.
Mol Cell Biochem . 2015 Jan;399(1-2):269-78. (IF 2.795)

32. Yang L, Ni L, Duan Q, Wang X, Chen C, Chen S, Chaugai S, Zeldin DC, Tang JR, Wang DW.
CYP epoxygenase 2J2 prevents cardiac fibrosis by suppression of transmission of pro-inflammation from cardiomyocytes to macrophages.
PROSTAG OTH LIPID M . 2015 Jan-Mar;116-117:64-75. (IF 2.283)

33. Wei L, Zhou Y, Qiao C, Ni T, Li Z, You Q, Guo Q, Lu N.
Oroxylin A inhibits glycolysis-dependent proliferation of human breast cancer via promoting SIRT3-mediated SOD2 transcription and HIF1α destabilization.
Cell Death Dis . 2015 Apr 9;6:e1714. (IF 6.304)

34. Zhao L, Li W, Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Huang S, Xu X, Li Z, Guo Q.
The overexpression and nuclear translocation of Trx-1 during hypoxia confers on HepG2 cells resistance to DDP, and GL-V9 reverses the resistance by suppressing the Trx-1/Ref-1 axis.
FREE RADICAL BIO MED . 2015 May;82:29-41. (IF 6.17)

35. Zhao Y, Wang X, Sun Y, Zhou Y, Yin Y, Ding Y, Li Z, Guo Q, Lu N.
LYG-202 exerts antitumor effect on PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in human breast cancer cells.
Apoptosis . 2015 Sep;20(9):1253-69. (IF 4.543)

36. Yang Y, Wu HJ, Lin L, Zhu QQ, Borriss R, Gao XW.
A plasmid-born Rap-Phr system regulates surfactin production, sporulation and genetic competence in the heterologous host, Bacillus subtilis OKB105.
APPL MICROBIOL BIOT . 2015 Sep;99(17):7241-5. (IF 3.53)

37. Yao LL, Ye BC.
The reciprocal regulation of GlnR and PhoP in response to nitrogen and phosphate limitations in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
APPL ENVIRON MICROB . 2015 Oct 30;82(1):409-20. (IF 4.016)

38. Zhang Y, Gao T, Hu S, Lin B, Yan D, Xu Z, Zhang Z, Mao Y, Mao H, Wang L, Wang G, Xiong Y, Zuo B.
The Functional SNPs in the 5′ Regulatory Region of the Porcine PPARD Gene Have Significant Association with Fat Deposition Traits.
PLoS One . 2015 Nov 24;10(11):e0143734. (IF 2.74)

39. Guo Y, Wang W, Sun Y, Ma C, Wang X, Wang X, Liu P, Shen S, Li B, Lin J, Deng F, Wang H, Lou Z.
Crystal structure of the core region of hantavirus nucleocapsid protein reveals the mechanism for ribonucleoprotein complex formation.
J Virol . 2015 Nov 11;90(2):1048-61. (IF 4.501)

40. Wang W, Liu X, Wang X, Dong H, Ma C, Wang J, Liu B, Mao Y, Wang Y, Li T, Yang C, Guo Y.
Structural and Functional Diversity of Nairovirus-Encoded Nucleoproteins.
J Virol . 2015 Dec 1;89(23):11740-9. (IF 4.501)

41. Dai L, Xu Y, Yu W, Liu S, Gao Y, Zhang L, Yuan B, Chen J, Ma T, Zhang J.
Naturally occurring genetic mutations in the 5′-upstream regulatory region of bovine FSHB generate a novel cis-regulatory element that affects its expression.
Anim Genet . 2015 Dec;46(6):693-6. (IF 2.841)

42. Liao CH, Yao L, Xu Y, Liu WB, Zhou Y, Ye BC.
Nitrogen regulator GlnR controls uptake and utilization of non-phosphotransferase-system carbon sources in actinomycetes.
P NATL ACAD SCI USA . 2015 Dec 22;112(51):15630-5. (IF 9.412)

43. Liao CH, Xu Y, Rigali S, Ye BC.
DasR is a pleiotropic regulator required for antibiotic production, pigment biosynthesis, and morphological development in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
APPL MICROBIOL BIOT . 2015 Dec;99(23):10215-24. (IF 3.53)

44. Zhang Y, Li W, Zhu M, Li Y, Xu Z, Zuo B.
FHL3 differentially regulates the expression of MyHC isoforms through interactions with MyoD and pCREB.
Cell Signal . 2016 Jan;28(1):60-73. (IF 3.968)

45. Xia X, Yan C, Wu W, Zhou Y, Hou L, Zuo B, Xu D, Ren Z, Xiong Y.
Characterization of the porcine peptidylarginine deiminase type VI gene (PADI6) promoter: Sp1 regulates basal transcription of the porcine PADI6.
Gene . 2016 Jan 10;575(2 Pt 2):551-8. (IF 2.984)

46. Wang S, Liu K, Xiao L, Yang L, Li H, Zhang F, Lei L, Li S, Feng X, Li A, He J.
Characterization of a novel DNA glycosylase from S. sahachiroi involved in the reduction and repair of azinomycin B induced DNA damage.
Nucleic Acids Res .2016 Jan 8;44(1):187-97. (IF 11.501)

47. Zhang Y, Li W, Zhu M, Li Y, Xu Z, Zuo B.
FHL3 differentially regulates the expression of MyHC isoforms through interactions with MyoD andpCREB.
Cell Signal . 2016 Jan;28(1):60-73. (IF 3.968)

48. Hong Y, Zhang H, Huang L, Li D, Song F.
Overexpression ofa Stress-Responsive NAC Transcription Factor Gene ONAC022 Improves Drought andSalt Tolerance in Rice.
Front Plant Sci . 2016 Jan 22;7:4. (IF 4.402)

49. Xia X, Yan C, Wu W, Zhou Y, Hou L, Zuo B, Xu D, Ren Z, Xiong Y.
Characterization ofthe porcine peptidylarginine deiminase type VI gene (PADI6) promoter: Sp1 regulatesbasal transcription of the porcine PADI6.
Gene . 2016 Jan 10;575(2 Pt 2):551-8. (IF 2.984)

50. Liu X, Zhang Z, Ma X, Li X, Zhou D, Gao B, Bai Y.
Sulfide exposure results in enhanced sqr transcription through upregulating the expression andactivation of HSF1 in echiuran worm Urechis unicinctus.
Aquat Toxicol . 2016 Jan;170:229-39. (IF 4.344)

51. Wang S, Liu K, Xiao L, Yang L, Li H, Zhang F, Lei L, Li S, Feng X, Li A, He J.
Characterization ofa novel DNA glycosylase from S. sahachiroi involved in the reduction and repair ofazinomycin B induced DNA damage.
Nucleic Acids Res . 2016 Jan 8;44(1):187-97. (IF 11.501)

52. Wu XB, Liu Y, Wang GH, Xu X, Cai Y, Wang HY, Li YQ, Meng HF, Dai F, Jin JD.
Mesenchymal stem cells promote colorectal cancer progression through AMPK/mTOR-mediated NF-κBactivation.
SCI REP-UK . 2016 Feb 19;6:21420. (IF 3.998)

53. Xu X, Zhang X, Liu Y, Yang L, Huang S, Lu L, Wang S, Guo Q, Zhao L.
BM microenvironmental protection of CML cells from imatinib through Stat5/NF-κB signaling andreversal by Wogonin.
ONCOTARGETS THER . 2016 Apr 26; 7(17):24436-54. (IF 3.337)

54. Zhao L, Miao HC, Li WJ, Sun Y, Huang SL, Li ZY, Guo QL.
LW-213 induces G2/M cell cycle arrest through AKT/GSK3β/β-catenin signaling pathway in human breast cancer cells.
MOL CARCINOGEN . 2016 May;55(5):778-92. (IF 3.825)

55. Liu X, Qin Z, Li X, Ma X, Gao B, Zhang Z.
NF1, Sp1 and HSF1 are synergistically involved in sulfide-induced sqr activation in echiuran wormUrechis unicinctus.
Aquat Toxicol . 2016 Jun;175:232-40. (IF 4.344)

56. Dong Y, Wang S, Chen J, Zhang Q, Liu Y, You C, Monroig ó, Tocher DR, Li Y.
Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4α (HNF4α) Is a Transcription Factor of Vertebrate Fatty Acyl DesaturaseGene as Identified in Marine Teleost Siganus canaliculatus.
PLoS One . 2016 Jul 29;11(7):e0160361. (IF 2.74)

57. Xu Y, Liao CH, Yao LL, Ye X, Ye BC.
GlnR and PhoP directly regulate the transcription of genes encoding starch-degrading, amylolyticenzymes in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
APPL ENVIRON MICROB . 2016 Sep 16. pii: AEM.02117-16 (IF 4.016)

58. Jiang Q, Liu Z, Zhou Z, Wang L, Wang L, Yue F, Wang J, Wang H, Song L.
Transcriptional activation and translocation of ancient NOS during immune response.
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59. Zhuang K, Zhang J, Xiong M, Wang X, Luo X, Han L, Meng Y, Zhang Y, Liao W, Liu S.
CDK5 functions asa tumor promoter in human colorectal cancer via modulating the ERK5-AP-1 axis.
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60. Wu L, Guo H, Sun H, Zhang W, Sun C, Wang J.
UNC119 mediates gambogic acid-induced cell-cycle dysregulation throughtheGsk3β/β-catenin pathwayin hepatocellular carcinoma cells.
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61. You M, Jin J, Liu Q, Xu Q, Shi J, Hou Y.
PPARα Promotes Cancer Cell Glut1 Transcription Repression.
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62. Xu X, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Yang L, Liu Y, Huang S, Lu L, Kong L, Li Z, Guo Q, Zhao L.
Wogonin reversed resistant human myelogenous leukemia cells via inhibiting Nrf2 signaling by Stat3/NF-κB inactivation.
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63. Liu H, Dong S, Gu F, Liu W, Yang G, Huang M, Xiao W, Liu Y, Guo T, Wang H, Chen Z, Wang J.
NBS-LRR Protein Pik-H4 Interacts with OsBIHD1 to Balance Rice Blast Resistance and Growth by Coordinating Ethylene-Brassinosteroid Pathway.
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64. Chen Y, Wang J, Hong DY, Chen L, Zhang YY, Xu YN, Pan D, Fu LY, Tao L, Luo H, Shen XC.
Baicalein has protective effects on the 17β-estradiol-induced transformation of breast epithelial cells.
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65. Yan Chen,Jing Wang,Duan-Yang Hong,Lin Chen,Yan-Yan Zhang,Yi-Ni Xu,Di Pan,Ling-Yun Fu,Ling Tao,Hong Luo,Xiang-Chun Shen
Baicalein has protective effects on the 17β-estradiol-induced transformation of breast epithelial cells
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66. Zhang P.
Ginsenoside‑Rg5 treatment inhibits apoptosis of chondrocytes and degradation of cartilage matrix in a rat model of osteoarthritis.
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67. Zhang W, Xu Y, Xu Q, Shi H, Shi J, Hou Y.
PPARδ promotes tumor progression via activation of Glut1 and SLC1-A5 transcription.
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68. Lu Y, Zheng X, Hu W, Bian S, Zhang Z, Tao D, Liu Y, Ma Y.
Cancer/testis antigen PIWIL2 suppresses circadian rhythms by regulating the stability and activity of BMAL1 and CLOCK.
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69. Jiang M, Yin M, Wu S, Han X, Ji K, Wen M, Lu T.
GdmRIII, a TetR Family Transcriptional Regulator, Controls Geldanamycin and Elaiophylin Biosynthesis in Streptomyces autolyticus CGMCC0516.
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70. Gao YR, Li DF, Fleming J, Zhou YF, Liu Y, Deng JY, Zhou L, Zhou J, Zhu GF, Zhang XE, Wang DC, Bi LJ.
Structural analysis of the regulatory mechanism of MarR protein Rv2887 in M. tuberculosis.
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71. Wei L, Dai Y, Zhou Y, He Z, Yao J, Zhao L, Guo Q, Yang L.
Oroxylin A activates PKM1/HNF4 alpha to induce hepatoma differentiation and block cancer progression.
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72. Liu B, Dong S, Li G, Wang W, Liu X, Wang Y, Yang C, Rao Z, Guo Y.
Structural Insight into Nucleoprotein Conformation Change Chaperoned by VP35 Peptide in Marburg Virus.
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73. Wei L, Zhang X, Ye Q, Yang Y, Chen X.
The transfection of A20 gene prevents kidney from ischemia reperfusion injury in rats.
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74. Xu H, Shi X, Wang Z, Gao C, Wang C, Wang Y.
Transcription factor ThWRKY4 binds to a novel WLS motif and a RAV1A element in addition to the W-box to regulate gene expression.
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75. Li A, Zhang J, Zhang X, Wang J, Wang S, Xiao X, Wang R, Li P, Wang Y.
Angiotensin II induces connective tissue growth factor expression in human hepatic stellate cells by a transforming growth factor β-independent mechanism.
SCI REP-UK . 2017 Aug 10;7(1):7841. (IF 3.998)

76. Wang J, Ge P, Qiang L, Tian F, Zhao D, Chai Q, Zhu M, Zhou R, Meng G, Iwakura Y, Gao GF, Liu CH.
The mycobacterial phosphatase PtpA regulates the expression of host genes and promotes cell proliferation.
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77. Ma R, Xiao Y, Lv Z, Tan H, Chen R, Li Q, Chen J, Wang Y, Yin J, Zhang L, Chen W.
AP2/ERF Transcription Factor, Ii049, Positively Regulates Lignan Biosynthesis in Isatis indigotica through Activating Salicylic Acid Signaling and Lignan/Lignin Pathway Genes.
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78. Jing Wang,Pupu Ge,Lihua Qiang,Feng Tian,Dongdong Zhao,Qiyao Chai,Mingzhao Zhu,Rongbin Zhou,Guangxun Meng,Yoichiro Iwakura,George Fu Gao,Cui Hua Liu
The mycobacterial phosphatase PtpA regulates the expression of host genes and promotes cell proliferation
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79. Fan HH, Zhu LB, Li T, Zhu H, Wang YN, Ren XL, Hu BL, Huang CP, Zhu JH, Zhang X.
Hyperoside inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in microglial cells via p38 and NFκB pathways.
Int Immunopharmacol . 2017 Sep;50:14-21. (IF 3.943)

80. Xu Z, Wang M, Ye BC.
TetR Family Transcriptional Regulator PccD Negatively Controls Propionyl Coenzyme A Assimilation in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
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81. Feng T, Wei S, Wang Y, Fu X, Shi L, Qu L, Fan X.
Rhein ameliorates adenomyosis by inhibiting NF-κB and β-Catenin signaling pathway.
Biomed Pharmacother . 2017 Oct;94:231-237. (IF 4.545)

82. Liao C, Zheng Y, Guo Y.
MYB30 transcription factor regulates oxidative and heat stress responses through ANNEXIN-mediated cytosolic calcium signaling in Arabidopsis.
New Phytol . 2017 Oct;216(1):163-177. (IF 8.512)

83. Xu Y, You D, Ye BC.
Nitrogen regulator GlnR directly controls transcription of genes encoding lysine deacetylases in Actinobacteria.
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84. Zhang T, Zhao M, Lu D, Wang S, Yu F, Guo L, Wen S, Wu B.
REV-ERBα Regulates CYP7A1 Through Repression of Liver Receptor Homolog-1.
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85. Cui X,Zhao C,Yao X,Qian B,Su C,Ren Y,Yao Z,Gao X,Yang J
SND1 acts as an anti-apoptotic factor via regulating the expression of lncRNA UCA1 in hepatocellular carcinoma.
RNA Biol . 2018;15(10):1364-1375. (IF 5.35)

86. Xiaoteng Cui,Chunyan Zhao,Xuyang Yao,Baoxin Qian,Chao Su,Yuanyuan Ren,Zhi Yao,Xingjie Gao,Jie Yang
SND1 acts as an anti-apoptotic factor via regulating the expression of lncRNA UCA1 in hepatocellular carcinoma
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87. Guo Q, Lu L, Liao Y, Wang X, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Huang S, Sun H, Li Z, Zhao L.
Influence of c-Src on hypoxic resistance to paclitaxel in human ovarian cancer cells and reversal of FV-429.
Cell Death Dis . 2018 Jan 11;8(1):e3178. (IF 6.304)

88. Guo Y, Zhuang X, Huang Z, Zou J, Yang D, Hu X, Du Z, Wang L, Liao X.
Klotho protects the heart from hyperglycemia-induced injury by inactivating ROS and NF-κB-mediated inflammation both in vitro and in vivo.
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89. Wang Z,Tian X,Zhao Q,Liu Z,Li X,Ren Y,Tang J,Fang J,Xu Q,Bu Q
The E3 Ligase DROUGHT HYPERSENSITIVE Negatively Regulates Cuticular Wax Biosynthesis by Promoting the Degradation of Transcription Factor ROC4 in Rice.
Plant Cell . 2018 Jan;30(1):228-244. (IF 9.618)

90. Zhang L,Chen L,Yu D
Transcription Factor WRKY75 Interacts with DELLA Proteins to Affect Flowering.
Plant Physiol. 2018 Jan;176(1):790-803. (IF 6.902)

91. Zhao L,Zhang W,Yang Y,Li Z,Li N,Qi S,Crawford NM,Wang Y
The Arabidopsis NLP7 gene regulates nitrate signaling via NRT1.1-dependent pathway in the presence of ammonium.
SCI REP-UK. 2018 Jan 24;8(1):1487. (IF 3.998)

92. Sun S,Guo W,Yang JS,Qiu M,Zhu XJ,Dai ZM
TT(N)mGCCTC inhibits archaeal family B DNA polymerases.
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93. Wu M,Jiang Y,Liu M,Shang Y,An J
Amino-PAHs activated Nrf2/ARE anti-oxidative defense system and promoted inflammatory responses: the regulation of PI3K/Akt pathway.
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94. Zhao K, Li X, Lin B, Yang D, Zhou Y, Li Z, Guo Q, Lu N.
Oroxyloside inhibits angiogenesis through suppressing internalization of VEGFR2/Flk-1 in endothelial cells.
J Cell Physiol . 2018 Apr;233(4):3454-3464. (IF 5.546)

95. Xu Z,Liu Y,Ye BC
PccD Regulates Branched-Chain Amino Acid Degradation and Exerts a Negative Effect on Erythromycin Production in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
APPL ENVIRON MICROB. 2018 Apr 2;84(8). pii: e00049-18. (IF 4.016)

96. Lu M,Yang C,Li M,Yi Q,Lu G,Wu Y,Qu C,Wang L,Song L
A conserved interferon regulation factor 1 (IRF-1) from Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas functioned as an activator of IFN pathway.
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97. Zhao M,Zhang T,Yu F,Guo L,Wu B
E4bp4 regulates carboxylesterase 2 enzymes through repression of the nuclear receptor Rev-erbα in mice.
Biochem Pharmacol. 2018 Jun;152:293-301. (IF 4.96)

98. Xu JY,Xu Z,Liu X,Tan M,Ye BC
Protein Acetylation and Butyrylation Regulate the Phenotype and Metabolic Shifts of the Endospore-forming Clostridium acetobutylicum.
Mol Cell Proteomics. 2018 Jun;17(6):1156-1169. (IF 4.87)

99. Ge JC,Zha XQ,Nie CY,Yu NJ,Li QM,Peng DY,Duan J,Pan LH,Luo JP
Polysaccharides from Dendrobium huoshanense stems alleviates lung inflammation in cigarette smoke-induced mice.
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100. You D,Zhang BQ,Ye BC
GntR Family Regulator DasR Controls Acetate Assimilation by Directly Repressing the acsA Gene in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
J Bacteriol. 2018 Jun 11;200(13). pii: e00685-17. (IF 3.004)

101. Liu XX,Shen MJ,Liu WB,Ye BC
GlnR-Mediated Regulation of Short-Chain Fatty Acid Assimilation in Mycobacterium smegmatis.
Front Microbiol. 2018 Jun 22;9:1311. (IF 4.235)

102. Li GZ,Wang ZQ,Yokosho K,Ding B,Fan W,Gong QQ,Li GX,Wu YR,Yang JL,Ma JF,Zheng SJ
Transcription factor WRKY22 promotes aluminum tolerance via activation of OsFRDL4 expression and enhancement of citrate secretion in rice (Oryza sativa).
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103. Fang J,Yang J,Wu X,Zhang G,Li T,Wang X,Zhang H,Wang CC,Liu GH,Wang L
Metformin alleviates human cellular aging by upregulating the endoplasmic reticulum glutathione peroxidase 7.
Aging Cell. 2018 Aug;17(4):e12765. (IF 7.238)

104. Li T,Huang H,Shi G,Zhao L,Li T,Zhang Z,Liu R,Hu Y,Liu H,Yu J,Li G
TGF-β1-SOX9 axis-inducible COL10A1 promotes invasion and metastasis in gastric cancer via epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
Cell Death Dis. 2018 Aug 28;9(9):849. (IF 6.304)

105. Wu X, Xu FL, Wang BJ, Yao J.
Analysis of the Promoter Region of Human Dopamine Receptor D1.
J Mol Neurosci. 2018 Aug;65(4):438-443. (IF 2.678)

106. Citao Liu,Shujun Ou,Bigang Mao,Jiuyou Tang,Wei Wang,Hongru Wang,Shouyun Cao,Michael R Schläppi,Bingran Zhao,Guoying Xiao,Xiping Wang,Chengcai Chu
Early Selection of bZIP73 Facilitated Adaptation of Japonica Rice to Cold Climates
Nat Commun. 2018 Aug 17;9(1):3302.;doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05753-w. (IF 12.121)

107. Youran Li,Ke Jin,Liang Zhang,Zhongyang Ding,Zhenghua Gu,Guiyang Shi
Development of an Inducible Secretory Expression System in Bacillus licheniformis Based on an Engineered Xylose Operon
J AGR FOOD CHEM. 2018 Sep 12;66(36):9456-9464.;doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b02857. (IF 4.192)

108. Yuanyou Li,Xiaowei Zeng,Yewei Dong,Cuiying Chen,Cuihong You,Guoxia Tang,Junliang Chen,Shuqi Wang
Hnf4α Is Involved in LC-PUFA Biosynthesis by Up-Regulating Gene Transcription of Elongase in Marine Teleost Siganus canaliculatus
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109. Li X,Liu X,Qin Z,Wei M,Hou X,Zhang T,Zhang Z
A novel transcription factor Rwdd1 and its SUMOylation inhibit the expression of sqr, a key gene of mitochondrial sulfide metabolism in Urechis unicinctus.
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110. Zhu J,Cai D,Xu H,Liu Z,Zhang B,Wu F,Li J,Chen S
Enhancement of precursor amino acid supplies for improving bacitracin production by activation of branched chain amino acid transporter BrnQ and deletion of its regulator gene lrp in Bacillus lichenif
Synth Syst Biotechnol. 2018 Nov 2;3(4):236-243.

111. Yang P,Yao D,Aweya JJ,Wang F,Ning P,Li S,Ma H,Zhang Y
c-Jun regulates the promoter of small subunit hemocyanin gene of Litopenaeus vannamei.
FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN. 2019 Jan;84:639-647. (IF 3.298)

112. Li J,Li Y,Pan S,Zhang L,He L,Niu Y
Paeonol attenuates ligation-induced periodontitis in rats by inhibiting osteoclastogenesis via regulating Nrf2/NF-κB/NFATc1 signaling pathway.
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113. Ren J,Guo D,Wang X,Zhang C,Wang B,Gao Z
Revealing the alternative promoter usage of SAF/MAZ gene by bichromatic fluorescent reporter construct.
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114. You D,Xu Y,Yin BC,Ye BC
Nitrogen Regulator GlnR Controls Redox Sensing and Lipids Anabolism by Directly Activating the whiB3 in Mycobacterium smegmatis.
Front Microbiol. 2019 Jan 29;10:74. (IF 4.235)

115. Chungen Li,Caili Chen,Qi An,Tao Yang,Zitai Sang,Yang Yang,Yuan Ju,Aiping Tong,Youfu Luo
A novel series of napabucasin derivatives as orally active inhibitors of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3)
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116. Yuanyou Li,Ziyan Yin,Yewei Dong,Shuqi Wang,Óscar Monroig,Douglas R Tocher,Cuihong You
Pparγ Is Involved in the Transcriptional Regulation of Liver LC-PUFA Biosynthesis by Targeting the Δ6Δ5 Fatty Acyl Desaturase Gene in the Marine Teleost Siganus Canaliculatus
MAR BIOTECHNOL. 2019 Feb;21(1):19-29.;doi: 10.1007/s10126-018-9854-0. (IF 2.798)

117. Wu L,Ma L,Li X,Huang Z,Gao X
Contribution of the cold shock protein CspA to virulence in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae.
Mol Plant Pathol. 2019 Mar;20(3):382-391. (IF 4.326)

118. Zhang T,Guo L,Yu F,Chen M,Wu B
The nuclear receptor Rev-erbα participates in circadian regulation of Ugt2b enzymes in mice.
Biochem Pharmacol. 2019 Mar;161:89-97. (IF 4.96)

119. Wei L,Li X,Li M,Tang Y,Wei J,Wang D
Dmrt1 directly regulates the transcription of the testis-biased Sox9b gene in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
Gene. 2019 Mar 1;687:109-115. (IF 2.984)

120. Xu Z,Song N,Ma L,Wu J
IRE1-bZIP60 Pathway Is Required for Nicotiana attenuata Resistance to Fungal Pathogen Alternaria alternata.
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121. Du M,Wang Y,Liu Z,Wang L,Cao Z,Zhang C,Hao Y,He H
Effects of IL-1β on MMP-9 Expression in Cementoblast-Derived Cell Line and MMP-Mediated Degradation of Type I Collagen.
Inflammation. 2019 Apr;42(2):413-425. (IF 3.212)

122. Tong Y,Zeng P,Zhang T,Zhao M,Yu P,Wu B
The transcription factor E4bp4 regulates the expression and activity of Cyp3a11 in mice.
Biochem Pharmacol. 2019 May;163:215-224. (IF 4.96)

123. Zhu B,Zhu Y,Tian J,Shen N,Li J,Lou J,Ke J,Yang Y,Gong Y,Gong J,Chang J,Miao X,Zhong R
A functional variant rs1537373 in 9p21.3 region is associated with pancreatic cancer risk.
MOL CARCINOGEN. 2019 May;58(5):760-766. (IF 3.825)

124. Zhang Y,Li C,Zhou C,Hong P,Zhang Y,Sun S,Qian ZJ
2′-Hydroxy-5′-methoxyacetophenone attenuates the inflammatory response in LPS-induced BV-2 and RAW264.7 cells via NF-κB signaling pathway.
J Neuroimmunol. 2019 May 15;330:143-151. (IF 3.125)

125. Ping Zhang,Ruling Wang,Qiong Ju,Weiqiang Li,Lam-Son Phan Tran,Jin Xu
The R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor MYB49 Regulates Cadmium Accumulation
Plant Physiol. 2019 May;180(1):529-542.;doi: 10.1104/pp.18.01380. (IF 6.902)

126. Pan Q,Tong Y,Han YJ,Ye BC
Two amino acids missing of MtrA resulted in increased erythromycin level and altered phenotypes in Saccharopolyspora erythraea.
APPL MICROBIOL BIOT. 2019 Jun;103(11):4539-4548. (IF 3.53)

127. Jiali Ou,Huilin Li,Peiyuan Qiu,Qing Li,Hung-Chun Chang,Yun-Chi Tang
CDK9 Modulates Circadian Clock by Attenuating REV-ERBα Activity
BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO. 2019 Jun 11;513(4):967-973.;doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.04.043. (IF 2.985)

128. Wang YL,Liu JY,Yang JE,Yu XM,Chen ZL,Chen YJ,Kuang M,Zhu Y,Zhuang SM
Lnc-UCID Promotes G1/S Transition and Hepatoma Growth by Preventing DHX9-Mediated CDK6 Down-regulation.
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129. Chen J,Gong F,Chen MF,Li C,Hong P,Sun S,Zhou C,Qian ZJ
In Vitro Vascular-Protective Effects of a Tilapia By-Product Oligopeptide on Angiotensin II-Induced Hypertensive Endothelial Injury in HUVEC by Nrf2/NF-κB Pathways.
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130. Chen Y,Chen ZY,Chen L,Zhang JY,Fu LY,Tao L,Zhang Y,Hu XX,Shen XC
Shikonin inhibits triple-negative breast cancer-cell metastasis by reversing the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition via glycogen synthase kinase 3β-regulated suppression of β-catenin signaling.
Biochem Pharmacol. 2019 Aug;166:33-45. (IF 4.96)

131. Jin X,Wang T,Liao Y,Guo J,Wang G,Zhao F,Jin Y
Neuroinflammatory Reactions in the Brain of 1,2-DCE-Intoxicated Mice during Brain Edema.
Cells. 2019 Aug 27;8(9). pii: E987. (IF 4.366)

132. Mi Yang,Qi Guo,Hui Peng,Yu-Zhong Xiao,Ye Xiao,Yan Huang,Chang-Jun Li,Tian Su,Yun-Lin Zhang,Min-Xiang Lei,Hui-Ling Chen,Tie-Jian Jiang,Xiang-Hang Luo
Krüppel-like factor 3 inhibition by mutated lncRNA Reg1cp results in human high bone mass syndrome
J Exp Med. 2019 Aug 5;216(8):1944-1964.;doi: 10.1084/jem.20181554. (IF 11.743)

133. Xiong J,Bai Y,Ma C,Zhu H,Zheng D,Cheng Z
Molecular Cloning and Characterization of SQUAMOSA-Promoter Binding Protein-Like Gene FvSPL10 from Woodland Strawberry (Fragaria vesca).
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134. Zhang K,Mohsin A,Dai Y,Chen Z,Zhuang Y,Chu J,Guo M
Combinatorial Effect of ARTP Mutagenesis and Ribosome Engineering on an Industrial Strain of Streptomyces albus S12 for Enhanced Biosynthesis of Salinomycin.
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135. Wang Y,Ma H,Tao X,Luo Y,Wang H,He J,Fang Q,Guo S,Song C
SCF promotes the production of IL-13 via the MEK-ERK-CREB signaling pathway in mast cells.
Exp Ther Med. 2019 Oct;18(4):2491-2496. (IF 1.785)

136. Gong Y,Cheng X,Tian J,Li J,Zhu Y,Yang Y,Zou D,Peng X,Luo J,Zhao L,Mei S,Wang X,Yang N,Ke J,Gong J,Chang J,Wang Y,Zhong R
Integrative analysis identifies genetic variant modulating MICA expression and altering susceptibility to persistent HBV infection.
Liver Int. 2019 Oct;39(10):1927-1936. (IF 5.175)

137. Zang D,Wang J,Zhang X,Liu Z,Wang Y
Arabidopsis heat shock transcription factor HSFA7b positively mediates salt stress tolerance by binding to an E-box-like motif to regulate gene expression.
J Exp Bot. 2019 Oct 15;70(19):5355-5374. (IF 5.908)

138. Kang Y,Wang Y,Hou B,Wang R,Ye J,Zhu X,Wu H,Zhang H
AdpAlin, a Pleiotropic Transcriptional Regulator, Is Involved in the Cascade Regulation of Lincomycin Biosynthesis in Streptomyces lincolnensis.
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139. Cheng L,Yue J,Yin S,Ren M,Wang C
Expression of styAB is regulated by a two-component system during indigo biosynthesis in Pseudomonas putida.
BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO. 2019 Oct 29;519(1):198-203. (IF 2.985)

140. Li Y,Li R,Ouyang N,Dai K,Yuan P,Zheng L,Wang W
Investigating the impact of local inflammation on granulosa cells and follicular development in women with ovarian endometriosis.
Fertil Steril. 2019 Nov;112(5):882-891.e1. (IF 6.312)

141. Pei YF,Hu WZ,Yang XL,Wei XT,Feng GJ,Zhang H,Shen H,Tian Q,Deng HW,Zhang L
Two functional variants at 6p21.1 were associated with lean mass.
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142. Tang Y,Li X,Xiao H,Li M,Li Y,Wang D,Wei L
Transcription of the Sox30 Gene Is Positively Regulated by Dmrt1 in Nile Tilapia.
Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Nov 4;20(21). pii: E5487. (IF 4.556)

143. Fang He,Hui-Guang Li,Jing-Jing Wang,Yanyan Su,Hou-Ling Wang,Cong-Hua Feng,Yanli Yang,Meng-Xue Niu,Chao Liu,Weilun Yin,Xinli Xia
PeSTZ1, a C2H2-type zinc finger transcription factor from Populus euphratica, enhances freezing tolerance through modulation of ROS scavenging by directly regulating PeAPX2
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144. Liu L,Pei YF,Liu TL,Hu WZ,Yang XL,Li SC,Hai R,Ran S,Zhao LJ,Shen H,Tian Q,Xiao HM,Zhang K,Deng HW,Zhang L
Identification of a 1p21 independent functional variant for abdominal obesity.
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145. Ge M,Wang Y,Liu Y,Jiang L,He B,Ning L,Du H,Lv Y,Zhou L,Lin F,Zhang T,Liang S,Lu H,Zhao H
The NIN-like protein 5 (ZmNLP5) transcription factor is involved in modulating the nitrogen response in maize.
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146. Huang ZL,Ye W,Zhu MZ,Kong YL,Li SN,Liu S,Zhang WM
Interaction of a Novel Zn2Cys6 Transcription Factor DcGliZ with Promoters in the Gliotoxin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster of the Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus Dichotomomyces cejpii.
Biomolecules. 2019 Dec 29;10(1). pii: E56. (IF 4.082)

147. Zhao M, Zhao H, Deng J, Guo L, Wu B.
Role of the CLOCK protein in liver detoxification.
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148. Zhang H,Li Y,Pu M,Xu P,Liang G,Yu D
Oryza sativa POSITIVE REGULATOR OF IRON DEFICIENCY RESPONSE 2 (OsPRI2) and OsPRI3 are involved in the maintenance of Fe homeostasis.
Plant Cell Environ. 2020 Jan;43(1):261-274. (IF 6.362)

149. Li S,Lu G,Fang X,Ramelot TA,Kennedy MA,Zhou X,Gong P,Zhang X,Liu M,Zhu J,Yang Y
Structural insight into the length-dependent binding of ssDNA by SP_0782 from Streptococcus pneumoniae, reveals a divergence in the DNA-binding interface of PC4-like proteins.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jan 10;48(1):432-444. (IF 11.501)

150. Hongyi Xie,Yuanliang Gu,Wenjuan Wang,Xuyao Wang,Xiaojuan Ye,Chao Xin,Mengjiao Lu,B Ashok Reddy,Peng Shu
Silencing of SENP2 in Multiple Myeloma Induces Bortezomib Resistance by Activating NF-κB Through the Modulation of IκBα Sumoylation
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151. Bingbing Hou,Xichen Yang,Hui Xia,Haizhen Wu,Jiang Ye,Huizhan Zhang
sRNA EsrE Is Transcriptionally Regulated by the Ferric Uptake Regulator Fur in Escherichia coli
WORLD J MICROB BIOT. 2020 Jan 28;30(1):127-135.;doi: 10.4014/jmb.1907.07026. (IF 2.477)

152. Jiao Ma,Jiajia Li,Ying Wang,Weiling Chen,Peiyong Zheng,Yueqiang Chen,Zhenping Sun,Jin Liu,Yin Zhou,Jianyi Wang,Sheng Liu,Xianghui Han
WSZG inhibits BMSC-induced EMT and bone metastasis in breast cancer by regulating TGF-β1/Smads signaling
Biomed Pharmacother. 2020 Jan;121:109617.;doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109617. (IF 4.545)

153. Yan-Zhao Feng,Yang Yu,Yan-Fei Zhou,Yu-Wei Yang,Meng-Qi Lei,Jian-Ping Lian,Huang He,Yu-Chan Zhang,Wei Huang,Yue-Qin Chen
A Natural Variant of miR397 Mediates a Feedback Loop in Circadian Rhythm
Plant Physiol. 2020 Jan;182(1):204-214.;doi: 10.1104/pp.19.00710. (IF 6.902)

154. Sun Q,Gong L,Qi R,Qing W,Zou M,Ke Q,Zhang L,Tang X,Nie Q,Yang Y,Hu A,Ding X,Lu L,Liu Y,Li DW
Oxidative stress-induced KLF4 activates inflammatory response through IL17RA and its downstream targets in retinal pigment epithelial cells.
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155. Kan J,Peng T,Huang T,Xiong G,Hu Z
NarL, a Novel Repressor for CYP108j1 Expression during PAHs Degradation in Rhodococcus sp. P14.
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156. Yang N,Ying P,Tian J,Wang X,Mei S,Zou D,Peng X,Gong Y,Yang Y,Zhu Y,Ke J,Zhong R,Chang J,Miao X
Genetic variants in m6A modification genes are associated with esophageal squamous-cell carcinoma in the Chinese population.
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157. Yao J,Shen Z,Zhang Y,Wu X,Wang J,Sa G,Zhang Y,Zhang H,Deng C,Liu J,Hou S,Zhang Y,Zhang Y,Zhao N,Deng S,Lin S,Zhao R,Chen S
Populus euphratica WRKY1 binds the promoter of H+-ATPase gene to enhance gene expression and salt tolerance.
J Exp Bot. 2020 Feb 19;71(4):1527-1539. (IF 5.908)

158. Han C,Lei D,Liu L,Xie S,He L,Wen S,Zhou H,Ma T,Li S
Morphine induces the differentiation of T helper cells to Th2 effector cells via the PKC-θ-GATA3 pathway.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2020 Mar;80:106133. (IF 3.943)

159. Izzat S,Rachid S,Ajdidi A,El-Nakady YA,Liu XX,Ye BC,Müller R
The ROK like protein of Myxococcus xanthus DK1622 acts as a pleiotropic transcriptional regulator for secondary metabolism.
J Biotechnol. 2020 Mar 10;311:25-34. (IF 3.503)

160. Qi R,Li X,Zhang X,Huang Y,Fei Q,Han Y,Cai R,Gao Y,Qi Y
Ethanol extract of Elephantopus scaber Linn. Attenuates inflammatory response via the inhibition of NF-κB signaling by dampening p65-DNA binding activity in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2020 Mar 25;250:112499. (IF 3.69)

161. L Ma,L Y Li,T L Zhao
Anti-inflammatory effects of ginsenoside Rg3 on the hypertrophic scar formation via the NF-κB/IκB signaling pathway in rabbit ears
Pharmazie. 2020 Mar 20;75(2):102-106.;doi: 10.1691/ph.2020.9852. (IF 1.198)

162. Ruijuan Qi,Ximeng Li,Xiaoyu Zhang,Yunfeng Huang,Qiaoling Fei,Yixin Han,Runlan Cai,Yuan Gao,Yun Qi
Ethanol extract of Elephantopus scaber Linn. Attenuates inflammatory response via the inhibition of NF-κB signaling by dampening p65-DNA binding activity in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages
J Ethnopharmacol. 2020 Mar 25;250:112499.;doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2019.112499. (IF 3.69)

163. Wenchang Li,Mei Xue,Lumin Yu,Kezong Qi,Jingtian Ni,Xiaolin Chen,Ruining Deng,Fei Shang,Ting Xue
QseBC is involved in the biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from bovine mastitis
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164. Wang M,Zhang J,Zhao H,Wan D,Jiang Z
Berberine combined with cyclosporine A alleviates acute graft-versus-host disease in murine models.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2020 Apr;81:106205. (IF 3.943)

165. Guanwang Shen,Enxiang Chen,Xiaocun Ji,Lina Liu,Jianqiu Liu,Xiaoting Hua,Dan Li,Yingdan Xiao,Qingyou Xia
The POU Transcription Factor POU-M2 Regulates Vitellogenin Receptor Gene Expression in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori
Genes (Basel). 2020 Apr 6;11(4):394.;doi: 10.3390/genes11040394.

166. Chunyan Tian,Fengli Gao,Xing Li,Zhuying Li
Icariside II attenuates eosinophils-induced airway inflammation and remodeling via inactivation of NF-κB and STAT3 in an asthma mouse model
Exp Mol Pathol. 2020 Apr;113:104373.;doi: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2020.104373. (IF 2.28)

167. Ding Y,Hao K,Li Z,Ma R,Zhou Y,Zhou Z,Wei M,Liao Y,Dai Y,Yang Y,Zhang X,Zhao L
c-Fos separation from Lamin A/C by GDF15 promotes colon cancer invasion and metastasis in inflammatory microenvironment.
J Cell Physiol. 2020 May;235(5):4407-4421. (IF 5.546)

168. Yuhang Sun,Guiying Zhai,Rui Li,Weinan Zhou,Yumao Li,Zhiping Cao,Ning Wang,Hui Li,Yuxiang Wang
RXRα Positively Regulates Expression of the Chicken PLIN1 Gene in a PPARγ-Independent Manner and Promotes Adipogenesis
Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 May 14;8:349.;doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00349. (IF 5.201)

169. Peikui Yang,Jude Juventus Aweya,Defu Yao,Fan Wang,Jingsheng Lun,Yujian Hong,Kaihui Sun,Yueling Zhang
The krüppel-like factor of Penaeus vannamei negatively regulates transcription of the small subunit hemocyanin gene as part of shrimp immune response
FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN. 2020 May;100:397-406.;doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2020.03.035. (IF 3.298)

170. Hua Yang,Yao Zhou,Jiayin Mo,Qi Xiang,Mengying Qin,Weiyong Liu,Jian Shang,Qingyu Yang,Wei Xu,Ge Yang,Quiping Tan,Kailang Wu,Yingle Liu,Jianguo Wu
SOX9 represses hepatitis B virus replication through binding to HBV EnhII/Cp and inhibiting the promoter activity
ANTIVIR RES. 2020 May;177:104761.;doi: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104761. (IF 4.101)

171. Chong Geng,Xiao Li,Yanni Li,Shuailing Song,Chunhui Wang
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alleviate severity of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis by inhibiting inflammation and reducing apoptosis
EUR J GASTROEN HEPAT. 2020 May;35(5):896-904.;doi: 10.1111/jgh.15012. (IF 2.251)

172. Fengxu Xiao,Youran Li,Yupeng Zhang,Hanrong Wang,Liang Zhang,Zhongyang Ding,Zhenghua Gu,Sha Xu,Guiyang Shi
Construction of a novel sugar alcohol-inducible expression system in Bacillus licheniformis
APPL MICROBIOL BIOT. 2020 Jun;104(12):5409-5425.;doi: 10.1007/s00253-020-10618-8. (IF 3.53)

173. Zhaoxue Zhang,Defu Yao,Peikui Yang,Zhihong Zheng,Jude Juventus Aweya,Jingsheng Lun,Hongyu Ma,Yueling Zhang
Nuclear receptor E75 is a transcription suppressor of the Litopenaeus vannamei small subunit hemocyanin gene
Dev Comp Immunol. 2020 Jun;107:103662.;doi: 10.1016/j.dci.2020.103662. (IF 3.192)

174. Kuipu Zhang,Ali Mohsin,Junxiong Yu,Yuwen Hu,Muhammad Fahad Ali,Zhongbing Chen,Yingping Zhuang,Ju Chu,Meijin Guo
Two-Component-System RspA1/A2-Dependent Regulation on Primary Metabolism in Streptomyces albus A30 Cultivated With Glutamate as the Sole Nitrogen Source
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175. Lan Wang,Meiling Ai,Miaoting Nie,Li Zhao,Guangxu Deng,Shasha Hu,Yue Han,Weiting Zeng,Yiqing Wang,Minhui Yang,Shuang Wang
EHF promotes colorectal carcinoma progression by activating TGF-β1 transcription and canonical TGF-β signaling
Cancer Sci. 2020 Jul;111(7):2310-2324.;doi: 10.1111/cas.14444. (IF 4.966)

176. Xiaoguang Shang,Yujia Yu,Lijie Zhu,Hanqiao Liu,Qichao Chai,Wangzhen Guo
A cotton NAC transcription factor GhirNAC2 plays positive roles in drought tolerance via regulating ABA biosynthesis
Plant Sci. 2020 Jul;296:110498.;doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110498. (IF 3.591)

177. Yanjiao Lu,Jingjing Guo,Shengnan Zhu,Han Zhang,Qing Zhu,Yanming Li
LncRNA HCG18 is critical for vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and phenotypic switching
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178. Dan Cao,Xiao-Hong Li,Xiao-Guang Luo,Hong-Mei Yu,Li-Shu Wan,Ling Wei,Yan Ren
Phorbol myristate acetate induces cellular senescence in rat microglia in vitro
Int J Mol Med. 2020 Jul;46(1):415-426.;doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2020.4587. (IF 3.098)

179. Fang He,Meng-Xue Niu,Cong-Hua Feng,Hui-Guang Li,Yanyan Su,Wan-Long Su,Hongguang Pang,Yanli Yang,Xiao Yu,Hou-Ling Wang,Jie Wang,Chao Liu,Weilun Yin,Xinli Xia
PeSTZ1 confers salt stress tolerance by scavenging the accumulation of ROS through regulating the expression of PeZAT12 and PeAPX2 in Populus
Tree Physiol. 2020 Aug 29;40(9):1292-1311.;doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpaa050. (IF 3.655)

180. Lin Song,Zhongyuan Piao,Lifen Yao,Limei Zhang,Yichan Lu
Schisandrin ameliorates cognitive deficits, endoplasmic reticulum stress and neuroinflammation in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced Alzheimer’s disease rats
EXP ANIM TOKYO. 2020 Aug 5;69(3):363-373.;doi: 10.1538/expanim.19-0146. (IF 1.574)

181. Yi Yan,Shichao Wang,Rui Wang,Puxuan Jiang,Yaqing Chen,Liang Zhang,Chenjiao Hou,Lisheng Zhang
Transcriptional regulation of microRNA-126a by farnesoid X receptor in vitro and in vivo
Biotechnol Lett. 2020 Aug;42(8):1327-1336.;doi: 10.1007/s10529-020-02864-7. (IF 1.977)

182. Yangyi Liu,Haoxiang Li,Jingyi Li,Yao Zhou,Zhemin Zhou,Ping Wang,Shengmin Zhou
Characterization of the promoter of the nitrate transporter-encoding gene nrtA in Aspergillus nidulans
Mol Genet Genomics. 2020 Sep;295(5):1269-1279.;doi: 10.1007/s00438-020-01700-x. (IF 2.797)

183. Lumin Yu,Wenchang Li,Mei Xue,Jing Li,Xiaolin Chen,Jingtian Ni,Fei Shang,Ting Xue
Regulatory Role of the Two-Component System BasSR in the Expression of the EmrD Multidrug Efflux in Escherichia coli
Microb Drug Resist. 2020 Oct;26(10):1163-1173.;doi: 10.1089/mdr.2019.0412. (IF 2.296)

184. Zhaoshou Ran,Fei Kong,Jilin Xu,Kai Liao,Xiaojun Yan
Transcriptional regulation mechanism of sterol regulatory element binding proteins on Δ6 fatty acyl desaturase in razor clam Sinonovacula constricta
BRIT J NUTR. 2020 Nov 14;124(9):881-889.;doi: 10.1017/S0007114520002068. (IF 3.334)

185. Ke Fang,Wei Huang,Yu-Meng Sun,Tian-Qi Chen,Zhan-Cheng Zeng,Qian-Qian Yang,Qi Pan,Cai Han,Lin-Yu Sun,Xue-Qun Luo,Wen-Tao Wang,Yue-Qin Chen
Cis-acting lnc-eRNA SEELA directly binds histone H4 to promote histone recognition and leukemia progression
Genome Biol. 2020 Nov 3;21(1):269.;doi: 10.1186/s13059-020-02186-x. (IF 10.806)

186. Ming Wei,Quangang Liu,Zhanchao Wang,Jingli Yang,Wenlong Li,Yingxi Chen,Han Lu,Jinfu Nie,Baoguang Liu,Kaiwen Lv,Xuliang Mao,Su Chen,Jennifer Sanders,Hairong Wei,Chenghao Li
PuHox52-mediated hierarchical multilayered gene regulatory network promotes adventitious root formation in Populus ussuriensis
New Phytol. 2020 Nov;228(4):1369-1385.;doi: 10.1111/nph.16778. (IF 8.512)

187. Huayue Sun,Chenglong Wang,Xiaoyang Chen,Hongbing Liu,Yumin Huang,Suxing Li,Zhaobin Dong,Xiaoming Zhao,Feng Tian,Weiwei Jin
dlf1 promotes floral transition by directly activating ZmMADS4 and ZmMADS67 in the maize shoot apex
New Phytol. 2020 Nov;228(4):1386-1400.;doi: 10.1111/nph.16772. (IF 8.512)

188. Jie Wang,Nan Nan,Ning Li,Yutong Liu,Tian-Jing Wang,Inhwan Hwang,Bao Liu,Zheng-Yi Xu
A DNA Methylation Reader-Chaperone Regulator-Transcription Factor Complex Activates OsHKT1;5 Expression during Salinity Stress
Plant Cell. 2020 Nov;32(11):3535-3558.;doi: 10.1105/tpc.20.00301. (IF 9.618)

189. Yanli Yang,Hui-Guang Li,Jie Wang,Hou-Ling Wang,Fang He,Yanyan Su,Ying Zhang,Cong-Hua Feng,Mengxue Niu,Zhonghai Li,Chao Liu,Weilun Yin,Xinli Xia
ABF3 enhances drought tolerance via promoting ABA-induced stomatal closure by directly regulating ADF5 in Populus euphratica
J Exp Bot. 2020 Dec 31;71(22):7270-7285.;doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa383. (IF 5.908)

190. Xiaolong Sun,Xu Wang,Zhenyu Zhao,Jing Chen,Cheng Li,Gang Zhao
Paeoniflorin accelerates foot wound healing in diabetic rats though activating the Nrf2 pathway
Acta Histochem. 2020 Dec;122(8):151649.;doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2020.151649. (IF 2.107)

191. Jie Wang,Nan Nan,Lulu Shi,Ning Li,Shuangzhan Huang,Ai Zhang,Yutong Liu,Peng Guo,Bao Liu,Zheng-Yi Xu
Arabidopsis BRCA1 represses RRTF1-mediated ROS production and ROS-responsive gene expression under dehydration stress
New Phytol. 2020 Dec;228(5):1591-1610.;doi: 10.1111/nph.16786. (IF 8.512)

192. Chunmei Yu,Ming Yan,Huizhen Dong,Jie Luo,Yongchao Ke,Anfang Guo,Yanhong Chen,Jian Zhang,Xiaosan Huang
Maize bHLH55 functions positively in salt tolerance through modulation of AsA biosynthesis by directly regulating GDP-mannose pathway genes
Plant Sci. 2021 Jan;302:110676.;doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110676. (IF 3.591)

193. Yang Xiang,Xiujuan Sun,Xiangli Bian,Tianhui Wei,Tong Han,Jingwei Yan,Aying Zhang
The transcription factor ZmNAC49 reduces stomatal density and improves drought tolerance in maize
J Exp Bot. 2021 Feb 24;72(4):1399-1410.;doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa507. (IF 5.908)

194. Pei Jing,Dongyan Kong,Lingxiao Ji,Lin Kong,Yanting Wang,Liangcai Peng,Guosheng Xie
OsClo5 functions as a transcriptional co-repressor by interacting with OsDi19-5 to negatively affect salt stress tolerance in rice seedlings
Plant J. 2021 Feb;105(3):800-815.;doi: 10.1111/tpj.15074. (IF 6.141)

195. Xiangyou Leng,Mohan Liu,Dachang Tao,Bo Yang,Yangwei Zhang,Tianrong He,Shengyu Xie,Zhaokun Wang,Yunqiang Liu,Yuan Yang
Epigenetic modification-dependent androgen receptor occupancy facilitates the ectopic TSPY1 expression in prostate cancer cells
Cancer Sci. 2021 Feb;112(2):691-702.;doi: 10.1111/cas.14731. (IF 4.966)

196. Hao Liu,Shuangyu Dong,Ming Li,Fengwei Gu,Guili Yang,Tao Guo,Zhiqiang Chen,Jiafeng Wang
The Class III peroxidase gene OsPrx30, transcriptionally modulated by the AT-hook protein OsATH1, mediates rice bacterial blight-induced ROS accumulation
J Integr Plant Biol. 2021 Feb;63(2):393-408.;doi: 10.1111/jipb.13040. (IF 4.885)

197. Yanbin Liu,Zhicong Huang,Yanli Wei,Mingming Zhang,Xingzhi Li,Shulan Yang,Haihe Wang
Identification of STXBP6-IRF1 positive feedback loop in regulation of PD-L1 in cancer
CANCER IMMUNOL IMMUN. 2021 Feb;70(2):275-287.;doi: 10.1007/s00262-020-02678-6. (IF 5.442)

198. Aimin Lv,Liantai Su,Wuwu Wen,Nana Fan,Peng Zhou,Yuan An
Analysis of the Function of the Alfalfa Mslea-D34 Gene in Abiotic Stress Responses and Flowering Time
Plant Cell Physiol. 2021 Mar 25;62(1):28-42.;doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcaa121. (IF 4.062)

199. Zhiming Chen,Qianqian Wang,Hao Zhang,Xiaodan Ma,Wenyu Wu,Nuo Cheng,Ji Zhang,Aiwu Zhou,Yuwen Li,Guoyu Meng
Purification, crystallization, and X-ray diffraction analysis of myocyte enhancer factor 2D and DNA complex
PROTEIN EXPRES PURIF. 2021 Mar;179:105788.;doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2020.105788. (IF 1.513)

200. Chongnan Wang,Wenkai Ji,Yucheng Liu,Peng Zhou,Yingying Meng,Pengcheng Zhang,Jiangqi Wen,Kirankumar S Mysore,Jixian Zhai,Nevin D Young,Zhixi Tian,Lifang Niu,Hao Lin
The antagonistic MYB paralogs RH1 and RH2 govern anthocyanin leaf markings in Medicago truncatula
New Phytol. 2021 Mar;229(6):3330-3344.;doi: 10.1111/nph.17097. (IF 8.512)

201. Kuipu Zhang,Ali Mohsin,Yichen Dai,Muhammad Fahad Ali,Zhongbing Chen,Yingping Zhuang,Ju Chu,Meijin Guo
Role of a Two-Component Signal Transduction System RspA1/A2 in Regulating the Biosynthesis of Salinomycin in Streptomyces albus
APPL BIOCHEM BIOTECH. 2021 May;193(5):1296-1310.;doi: 10.1007/s12010-020-03357-z. (IF 2.277)