





     美国 TAYLOR-WHARTON 公司是世界上专门从事研究开发气体控制设备的大跨国厂商,集液氮保存容器制造技术及真空技术于一体, 严格的质量控制及共享供需代码。多种规格、多种用途、型号齐全,液氮保存期长,超封密高真空,满足各种不同的需要。





K Series cryogenic systems offer reliable and efficient liquid nitrogen storage and easy access to stored product. Featuring the safety of electronic controllers that monitor and manage liquid level, temperature, and a full array of alarms, Taylor-Wharton’s K Series freezers provide solutions to either liquid or vapor phase storage requirements.


1. 带监视报警系统,包括温度报警,液位报警,系统出错报警,液氮供应报警等;

2. 带脚轮底座,可自由移动;

3. 液氮全自动充装/停装,当容器内液氮不够,TW 公司生产的容器即可转入自动态度,液氮加满后又可自动停装;

4. 可记录有关数据,如过往记录,错误过往记录,温度过往记录。错误记录包括:感应器错误记录,低供应源记录,独立报警记录,温度计开启记录,高温报警记录;系统记录包括:灌充记录,盖子协作记录,用户使用记录,温度记录。消除记录包括:消除系统记录,消除错误记录,削除温度记录;

5. 可控制温度 (不仅可以测量温度,而且可能控制温度);

6. 真空保养时间长可达十年,TW公司生产的液氮容器在容器底部放有干燥剂及吸附剂Pdo, Pdo可吸附H元素,而H元素是泄漏真空的大因素,Pdo与H之间的反应式为:Pdo+H2=pd+H2O

7. 带防雾装置:打开盖子(几秒钟)后即可看清容器内的情况,打开盖子后由于液氮蒸发,雾多看不清,有此装置后即可方便得多;

8. 带计算机、打印机联接口,可与电脑相连,并打印有关数据;

9. 自动除冰保护,该设备由于电磁阀的周期性震动,可以由震波产生震力震碎冰块,从而达到自动除冰的目的,避免了用人工热水或热毛巾除冰的麻烦;

10. 带备用电池 (带 72 小时)。

? Suitable for vapor or liquid storage
? Intuitive touch controls
? Kryos (battery option) or AutoTend
? Stainless Steel vacuum vessel
? Modular design
? Durable powder coated cabinet
? Caster mounted
? Superior vacuum performance
? Optional step for 38K
? Various blood bag sizes and capacity details are available upon request

美国Taylor-Wharton泰来华顿液氮罐3K/10K/24K/38KNew Features新特点

Large storage capacity.存贮量大

Can be used in liquid or Vapour phase.可存贮液氮或氮气

Many different types of samples stored 型号多样

技术参数:美国Taylor-Wharton泰来华顿液氮罐3K/10K/24K/38K美国Taylor-Wharton泰来华顿液氮罐3K/10K/24K/38K美国Taylor-Wharton泰来华顿液氮罐3K/10K/24K/38K(1) Evaporation rate and static holding time are nominal. Actual rate may be affected by the nature of the contents, atmospheric conditions, container history, and manufacturing tolerances.

(2) Working Time is an arbitrary, reference-only value to estimate container performance under the actual operating conditions.
(3) Maximum required clearance (with lid open) for the 10K is 69.0 (1753 mm); 24K is 76.0 in. (1930mm). Depth with lid open for 10K is 34.0 (864 mm); 24K is 48.5 (1232 mm).
(4) Maximum depth 55.0 in (1397mm). Maximum height 90.0 in. (2286 mm) with lid open.
(5) Temperature Gradient Suppression System reduces internal diameter by approx. 1/4 in. (6.4 mm). Not included with 10K.
(6) 2.0 ml vial size: 12.5 mm O.D. internal thread
(7) 6 racks, 9 levels, 2″ shelf height.
(8) The 10K/24K/38K containers utilize both the 5 in. x 5 in. (127 mm x 127 mm) 100/81 cell box and the 3 in. x 3 in. (76 mm x 76 mm) 25 cell box.
(9) 3K is not available with controllers. 3K is available with painted or stainless steel finish.

